---+ IVOA Roadmap for 2022B This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Oct 2022 and May 2023 Interops. %TOC% ---++ Applications WG ---++ Data Access Layer WG ADQL<br />- 2.1 - Feature complete - validation being finalised<br />- 2.2<br /> - Vector extension<br /> - move from BNF to PEG for language specification <br />ADQL User Defined Functions<br />- ADQL astrometry library<br /> - GAVO and Vizier implementation of coordinate transformation<br /> - Functions added in pgsphere <br />TAP <br />- Allow ROT13 for encoding of ADQL query strings? SIAP-2.0 -> Data Access Protocol v1<br />- Expanding to cover spectra and potentially measurement sets and catalogues<br />- One shot cutouts from SIA2<br />- Renaming SIA2 to reflect expanded role<br />- Work continues in new GitHub repo: https://github.com/ivoa-std/DAP<br />- New WD by May interop SODA-1.1<br />- Errata for MOC parameter, rebin/project, pixel cutout<br />- One shot cutouts from SIA2<br />- Cross-join of parameters<br />- Metdata<br />- Select output by dataproduct_type DataLink 1.1<br />- Working draft out<br />- Needs implementations before RFC DALI-1.2<br />- multipolygon still pending<br />- otherwise ready for PRec+RFC (Q1-2023) SSAP<br />- Minor revision to <br /> - make coverage information non mandatory<br /> - Explain SSA utype prefix <br />- Longer term function is covered by DAP + SODA ConeSearch -1.1 [in connection with TD IG]<br />- work will progress to close issues<br />- a new WD before May 2023 Interop ? LineTAP <br />- Intended to replace SLAP<br />- WD before May 2023 Interop ? ProvTAP <br />- Continuing work towards mature WD status TAPRegExt [in connection with Registry WD]<br />- WD release in Q2-2023 ObjVisSAP <br />- PR-1.0 nearly there<br />- implementations ready Following Radio IG, TD IG activities for requirements<br />- refer to the roadmaps of these IGs for details ---++ Data Model WG ---++ Grid and Web Services WG * SSO - working towards next WD based on tokens and delegation. * !ExecPlanner - working towards first WD, splitting the note into three parts: * The core ExedPlanner interface * A related UWS interface for executing tasks * A basic task description language * Science Platforms - continue collaboration with Theory IG and KDD. What are the IVOA services to build a SP? Do we need some new standardization? What kind of interoperability are we looking for? * VO in the cloud * Looking at how we can publish data in Parquet format via S3 services. * JSON-ification - small team of interested parties to look at what is easy and what is hard. Is it possible to move from XML to JSON? what is the effort needed? ---++ Registry ---++ Semantics WG On the REC track, Semantics still has the RFC for Vocabularies 2.1 (on github procedures) open. We will try to gather the missing WG reviews during November and thus hope we can pass the document on to the Exec in December; we do not see much potential for controversy in the new regulations. We also hope to release a Proposed Recommendation for VOUnits 1.1 before the end of 2022 and aim for RFC in January 2023. Given that the update addresses the difficult question of empty and missing units, that RFC could be more involved. The UCD list 1.5 should be available for TCG review right after the Interop. We hope that it will be endorsed at the next TCG meeting, or perhaps the one after that. Once that is done, the cycle for the UCD list 1.6 will begin in earnest. This will, in particular, comprise UCDs useful to annotate columns containing metadata on ambient conditions for observations. Beyond the Semantics WG's documents, we intend to drive along a new release of VOResource with the main goal of clarifying how the UAT is intended to be used within VOResource. Unless the Registry WG has additional items in this update, we expect this will be another easy update. Outside of the standards track, we still work on the product-type vocabulary that needs to be ready for Datalink 1.1. We also work on the facility nomenclature and hope to produce a note discussion the intended practices between the IVOA and wikidata before the next Interop. Finally, we will continue to process VEPs in the context of maintaining the vocabulary repository. By this activity's nature, we cannot predict at this point how much effort will be required for that. ---++ Data Curation Preservation IG ---++ Education IG ---++ Knowledge Discovery IG ---++ Operations IG Ongoing activity: * Monitor VO health * Coordinate "weather reports" (service compliance) * Address non-compliancy: * Identify common/persistent errors * Support/encourage service operators to improve service compliance * Work with WGs on standards-related issues * Validation: * Ensure validators are available (IvoaValidatorsSummary) * Encourage use of validators * on deployed services * during standard development * Communication * Provide forum for discussion of operational issues * Host/invite "site reports" Specific focus: * Work with DAL on standards issues: * !ConeSearch: UCD1+ * !DALI: Sexagesimal markup standards * SSA: A couple of Errata suggested * Push for service metadata improvements: * VOUnits, UCDs * Upcoming themes: * Operations in the cloud * Authentication as an operational necessity ---++ Radio IG ---++ Solar System IG ---++ Theory IG ---++ Time Domain IG ---++ Standard and Processes ---++ Science Priorities
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r6 - 2022-12-07 - DaveMorris
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