---+ IVOA Roadmap for the 2024B time span This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA Working and Interest Groups between the November 2024 (Malta) and June 2025 (Maryland) Interops. <br />%TOC% ---+++ Working Groups ---++ Applications WG * *Standardization VOTable 1.* * note on usage of MiVOT * *Alternative data Format* * note on usage of Parquet including VOTable metadata<br /><br /> * *HIPS* * extension of usage for large catalogs (Healpix for catalogs) * extension for 3D HIPS * *MOC* * Evolution on MOC usage versus s-region ---++ Data Access Layer WG *Primary* * <p> *DALI* </p> * <p>Polygon definition clarification</p> * <p>Add format: Parquet</p> * <p>PR-1.2 by June 2025</p> * <p> *TAP* </p> * <p>WD-1.2 by June 2025 (mainly OpenAPI document _(context: [[DALGWSTigerTeam][P3T]])_)</p> * <p>Note about _User managed persistent tables_ by June 2025</p> * <p> *ADQL* </p> * <p>Erratum to remove boolean support from the BNF in ADQL-2.1</p> * <p>WD-2.2 by June 2025 _(PEG grammar only)_ </p> * <p> *Conesearch* </p> * <p>Modernize required UCDs (UCD 1.0-> UCD 1+)</p> * <p>RESPONSEFORMAT, MAXREC</p> * <p>Allow services to reject unknown parameters</p> * <p>WD-1.1 by June 2025 _(PR pending validators and implementations)_ </p> * <p> *ObjObsSAP* </p> * <p>Make its new name official on the IVOA-Docs page</p> * <p>Status about existing implementations</p> * <p>PR-1.0 by June 2025</p> *Secondary* * <p> *Datalink* </p> * <p>Start WD-1.2</p> * <p>Get a solution to provide data across multiple locations</p> * <p> *DAP* (Data Access Protocol)</p> * <p> _SIAP-2.0 into DAP_ </p> * <p> _Gregory D.-F. become the 2nd Editor with Pat D._ </p> * <p>Proceed with renaming, expansion of supported data product types</p> * <p>Miscellaneous changes</p> * <p>WD-1.0 by Nov. 2025</p> * <p> *LineTAP* </p> * <p>Species table with molecules and InCHI codes</p> * <p>Second implementation expected for 2025</p> * <p>PR once 2nd implementation available - 2025</p> * <p> *SODA* </p> * <p>Return extended metadata</p> * <p>New transformation types</p> * <p>WD-1.1 by 2026</p> * <p> *ADQL* </p> * <p>2.3 - support INTERVAL, MOC and arrays, and review the optional status of some features</p> ---++ Data Model WG ---++ Distributed Services Protocols WG ---++ Registry WG ---++ Semantics WG ---+++ Interest Groups ---++ Data Curation Preservation IG ---++ Education IG ---++ High Energy IG ---++ Knowledge Discovery IG ---++ Operations IG ---++ Radio IG ---++ Solar System IG ---++ Time Domain IG ---+++ Committees ---++ Standard and Processes <!--<br /> * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup <br />-->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r3 - 2024-12-16 - PierreLeSidaner
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