---+!! The ADASS-er's Guide to Nightlife in Champaign-Urbana We're in the heart of the semester right now, so there's quite a bit going on about town. For a more complete run down of happenings you might try these local community calendars: * [[http://www.news-gazette.com/calendar][The News-Gazette Events Calendar]] * [[http://the217.com/events-3][the217.com]] * [[http://www.krannertcenter.com/makeplans/calendar.aspx][the calendar for the Krannert Center for Performing Arts]] Below are a selection of happenings around town this week: %TOC% ---++ Theater and Comedy ---++++!! Sunday, Nov. 4 * *Theater*: [[http://www.krannertcenter.com/performance.aspx?id=201271991034524128174107143][A Dream Play]] at the [[http://www.krannertcenter.com/][Krannert Center for the Performing Arts]]. 3pm matinee, $16. * [[http://web-test.ncsa.illinois.edu/Conferences/ADASS2012/beta/travel/bus.html#campustown][Take a bus to Campustown]] (2:16pm), getting off at the Transit Center. Walk east through the campus to Goodwin Avenue, and you will find Krannert a head of you. * *Theatre*: <a name="hamlet></a>[[http://stationtheatre.com/current.htm][Hamlet]] at the [[http://stationtheatre.com/current.htm][Station Theatre]], featuring a woman in the title role and a modern setting. 8pm, $10. * [[http://web-test.ncsa.illinois.edu/Conferences/ADASS2012/beta/travel/bus.html#urbana][Take a bus to downtown Urbana]]; a [[http://web-test.ncsa.illinois.edu/Conferences/ADASS2012/beta/travel/bus.html#yellow][Yellow North]] bus at 7pm from [[http://web-test.ncsa.illinois.edu/Conferences/ADASS2012/beta/travel/bus.html#geton][the E-14 lot stop]], transfering to the Green at 7:24 in Campustown should have there comfortably on time. Leave earlier to get a BBQ dinner and a beer at [[ADASSEatingInCU][Black Dog]] ahead of time. ---++++!! Monday, Nov. 5 * *Improv*: [[http://sausageisfunny.honestbleeps.com/][Abe Froman Project]], a local improv troupe @ Mike'N'Molly's * [[http://web-test.ncsa.illinois.edu/Conferences/ADASS2012/beta/travel/bus.html#champaign][Take a bus to downtown Champaign]]... ---++++!! Wednesday, Nov. 7 * *Theatre*: <a name="hamlet></a>[[http://stationtheatre.com/current.htm][Hamlet]] at the [[http://stationtheatre.com/current.htm][Station Theatre]], featuring a woman in the title role and a modern setting. 8pm, $10. * [[http://web-test.ncsa.illinois.edu/Conferences/ADASS2012/beta/travel/bus.html#urbana][Take a bus to downtown Urbana]]; the last [[http://web-test.ncsa.illinois.edu/Conferences/ADASS2012/beta/travel/bus.html#gold][Gold East]] bus at 6:45pm from [[http://web-test.ncsa.illinois.edu/Conferences/ADASS2012/beta/travel/bus.html#geton][the E-14 lot stop]] will give you just enough time to get a BBQ dinner and a beer at [[ADASSEatingInCU][Black Dog]] ahead of time. ---++++!! Thursday, Nov. 8 * *Theatre*: <a name="hamlet></a>[[http://stationtheatre.com/current.htm][Hamlet]] at the [[http://stationtheatre.com/current.htm][Station Theatre]], featuring a woman in the title role and a modern setting. 8pm, $10. * [[http://web-test.ncsa.illinois.edu/Conferences/ADASS2012/beta/travel/bus.html#urbana][Take a bus to downtown Urbana]]; the last [[http://web-test.ncsa.illinois.edu/Conferences/ADASS2012/beta/travel/bus.html#gold][Gold East]] bus at 6:45pm from [[http://web-test.ncsa.illinois.edu/Conferences/ADASS2012/beta/travel/bus.html#geton][the E-14 lot stop]] will give you just enough time to get a BBQ dinner and a beer at [[ADASSEatingInCU][Black Dog]] ahead of time. ---++ Music <br /> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
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Topic revision: r1 - 2012-11-04 - RayPlante
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