---+ SQLServer & ADQL geometric functions Page for discussions about supporting the ADQL geometric functions in SQLServer. ---++ Current deployments ---+++ ROE The main science archives at ROE are hosted on a set of SQLServer databases. Our current TAP services do not support the ADQL geometric functions. ---+++ MAST Many MAST holdings, including the Registry and a growing set of multimission data in ObsCore, are hosted on a set of SQLServer databases. Nearly completed TAP services are not currently published. Release is held up on a library for parsing ADQL to SQL Server-flavoured queries. It needs to handle differences in left/etc join syntax (some canned TOMCAT RegTAP queries don't work), the ivo_string_agg function (for RegTap only), and ADQL geometric functions. Brian McLean has written a series of database procedures mapping the HTM-based regional queries used by existing MAST services to the SQL Server's built-in geometric functions. Testing suggests similar performance to the old HTM-based system. ---+++
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r3 - 2014-10-11 - TheresaDower
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