---+ Applications Messaging Uses Below are some informal descriptions of the sorts of uses envisaged for application messaging. ---++ PLASTIC These are some of the current uses of PLASTIC: Instruct an app to: * load a VOTable * load a FITS image * load a spectrum * select/highlight a subset of points in a scatter plot * create a new table from a row subset * highlight an object in one view as the mouse hovers over the same object in another view (in a different application) * work on a selection of a columns in a table (for instance, run a kmeans clusterer on only some columns/attributes) * load a (registry) VOResource description and do "something appropriate" * show a particular area of sky * display a group of clusters (in the datamining sense) in different colours (not yet implemented) * ask another application to display a DSS preview image of a given region of the sky * display the location of a VOEvent <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r5 - 2007-04-03 - JohnTaylor
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