VIM: Federation of multiple resources for multiple sources - Roy Williams (session 1)
VIM assumes that an astronomer wants information about a specific set of 10 to
1000 positions (points in the sky). Proximity searches are performed with
respect to archived catalogs, with image cutouts and quantitative spectral
access. Features include: Installation in a laptop or a server, with
persistent workbench storage for each customer; Simple ways to share results
allen@avocado:~/Apps_Trieste> more talks
"The NVO Portal" - Tom
Over the past year the NVO has developed a set of interlinked applications
that work together as a portal to enable users to quickly discover, access and
combine information from the virtual observatory. Portal services are
distributed among NVO hosts and integrate both Web and CLI based interfaces.
In addition to describing the portal capabilities, we discuss how portal
elements communicate and collaborate to form a coherent system rather than
discrete tools.
Evolution of Saada - Laurent MICHEL
Saada 1.5: How to quickly build a database containing spectra, source lists and images, how to easily associate data each to other and how to publish them within the VO.
Value-Added Services for the Horizon
GalMer Database - Igor Chilingarian, Paola Di Matteo, Francoise Combes, Anne-Laure Melchi
or, Benoit Semelin
We present the Horizon
GalMer database, containing results of simulations of
galaxy interactions, realized by means of the Tree-SPH code. The database
provides a prototypical implementation of the SNAP Data Model.
We have built a set of value-added services accessible online and in the VO
including: (1) generation of column density maps, radial velocity and velocity
dispersion maps, mass-weighted maps of age and metallicity of stars; (2)
generation of high-resolution optical synthetic spectra of stellar populations
in the interacting galaxies using PEGASE.HR stellar population models; (3)
generation of multi-wavelength (far-UV to near-IR) broadband colour maps using
PEGASE.2 stellar population models. The latter two services may include the
dust extinction.
Providing these services makes our database a unique resource allowing direct
comparison of simulated datasets with observations. We will describe a number
of possible scientific applications of the
GalMer database and associated
Aladin 5 - Pierre Fernique
A data and services portal at Paris Observatory - Jonathan Normand (session 1 or 2)
Paris Observatory owns many data but unfortunatly the way to get them
is difficult. The interests of this internet portal are :
- to provide an easy web access to all this data using only one
query form based on VO protocols.
- to provide services on data using Paris Observatory
computation facilities (188 cores cluster).
As this is an internet portal there is no need to install software to
use it. Anything can be done from the web interface without having to
know the VO: get available data, launch services on selected data then
get the results. The architecture of services follows the REST
Plastic Firefox - Sebastien Derriere
(not SAMP 1, possibly SAMP 2, not Apps 1,