---+ *Review "Publishing data into the VO"* * *Meeting 10.12.2021, 13:00 UTC in zoom*. * Attendees : Janet Evans, Marco Molinaro, Francois Bonnarel, Dave Morris, Hendrik Heinl, Ada Nebot * Notes : * Multiple pages in the wiki. We should settle on one, and delete the others to avoid confusion. Delete the others to avoid Google finding them buried in the wiki history. *Action on MM*: email the Document coordinator. * Series of simple steps that a publisher would need to follow. Getting the metadata, FITS headers, formats etc right. Then we point out the technical tools. *Action on JE*: share the slide. * What does the user want to do? Why do they end up on the IVOA site? We can't predict all of the use cases. *Action on AN*: Start a webpage to collect information. * Make the page a tree structure with links to specific use case (landing) pages. For each use case have a contact person who has done the same thing. * Current Q&A looks good as a start, but examples are missing, on real resources and services (+contact points). * Adding links to VO Schools (and materials) as a potential starting point and events to look after as a jump-start. Beware: VO Schools are for user, not for providers. But there are tech schools too. * Can we have a set of: registry and services in a sandbox to play with? ---++ *Resources (as in 16th December 2022)* * [[https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/PublishingInTheVO][Publish your data in the VO webpage]] * [[https://hendhd.github.io/ivoa_newcomers/][Newcomers session]] * [[https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/EduResourcesTutorials][VO Schools and education material]] ---++ *Use cases*
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2021-12-16 - AdaNebot
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