Science use Cases for Time Series
Group A:
Common requirement: Combine photometry and light curves of a given object/list of objects in the same photometric band
- Use Case #1: Supernova classification using the light curve
- Description: The visual light curves of the different supernova types vary in shape and amplitude, based on the underlying mechanisms of the explosion, the way that visible radiation is produced, and the transparency of the ejected material.
- Requirements
- Combine photometry and light curves of a given object in the same photometric band
- Show me a list of data that satisfies
- Target= SN 2011FE
- Datatype= Photometry or TimeSeries/lightcurves
- Axes include time
- Axes include brightness
- Information on photometric band (zero point, transmission curve of the filter)
- Use Case #2: Long-term analysis of eclipsing binaries (based on Park et al. 2012)
- Description: Long-term period and light curve variations, based on the historical data and new observations. The continuous period increase can be interpreted as a mass transfer from the secondary to the primary star. The most likely explanation of the sinusoidal variation found is a light-traveltime effect due to the existence of a circumbinary object which would make BX Dra a triple system.
- Requirements
- Combine photometry and light curves of a given object in the same photometric band
- Show me a list of data that satisfies
- Target= BX Dra
- Datatype= Photometry or TimeSeries/lightcurves
- Axes include time
- Axes include brightness
- Information on photometric band (zero point, transmission curve of the filter)
- Use case #3: Diiscovering brown dwarfs by analyzing binary microlensing events (based on Shin et al. 2012)
- Requirements
- Combine photometry and light curves of a given object/list of objects
- Show me a list of data that satisfies
- Target= list of obbjects
- Datatype= Photometry or TimeSeries/lightcurves
- Axes include time
- Axes include brightness
- Information on photometric band (zero point, transmission curve of the filter)
- Use Case #4: Eclipsing binary systems (based on Gómez Maqueo et al 2009)
- Show me a list of data that satisfies
- Datatype=TimeSeries/lightcurves
- Axes include phase (or axes including time and information on the period available in the metadata)
- Axes include differences in magnitudes
Group B:
Common requirement: Combine photometry and light curves of a given object/list of objects in different photometric bands
- Use Case #5: Follow-up characterisation of supernovae (based on Zhang et al. arXiv:1208.6078v1)
- Description: Light curves at different wavelength provide different information allowing a better understanding of the physical processes related to the supernovae explosion.
- Requirements
- Combine photometry and light curves of a given object in the same photometric band. Repeat this for all the available bands.
- Show me a list of data that satisfies
- Target= SN 2010JL
- Datatype= Photometry or TimeSeries/lightcurves
- Axes include time
- Axes include brightness
- Information on photometric band (zero point, transmission curve of the filter)
Group C:
Common requirement: Discovery of radial velocity curves of a given object/list of objects
- Use Case #6: Exoplanet studies using radial velocities (based on Lagrange et al. 2012)
- Description: Radial
- Show me a list of data that satisfies
- Datatype= TimeSeries/radial velocity curves
- Axes include time
- Axes include radial velocity
- Use Case #7: Asteroseismic studies of pulsating variables (based on García-Hernández et al. 2009)
- Show me a list of data that satisfies
- Datatype=TimeSeries/power spectra
- Axes include frequencies
- Axes include power
- Use Case #8: Spectral and temporal variability study of X-ray sources (based on Zhang et al. 2006)
- Show me a list of data that satisfies
- Datatype=TimeSeries/hardness ratio
- Axes include time
- Axes include hardness ratio
Resources Collection of links to existing efforts and relevant information
This topic: IVOA
> IvoaSciencePriorities > CSPTimeSeries
Topic revision: r8 - 2012-09-26 - MarkAllen