DM Workshop Schedule - IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting
Schedule Summary |
Session |
DateTime UTC |
UTC-08:00 |
UTC-05:00 |
UTC+02:00 |
UTC+08:00 |
UTC+11:00 |
Victoria BC/Pasadena |
Washington DC |
Strasbourg |
Perth/Beijing |
Canberra |
DMWorkshop #1 |
May 26 15:00 |
May 26 08:00 |
May 26 11:00 |
May 26 17:00 |
May 26 23:00 |
May 27 01:30 |
DMWorkshop #2 |
May 27 15:00 |
May 27 08:00 |
May 27 11:00 |
May 27 17:00 |
May 27 23:00 |
May 28 01:30 |
DMWorkshop#3 |
May 28 15:00 |
May 28 08:00 |
May 28 11:00 |
May 28 17:00 |
May 28 23:00 |
May 29 01:30 |
Live notes
on Etherpad are reported in the
workshop page
Session #1 Model users have the floor
Wednesday May 26 15:00 UTC
Speaker |
Title |
Time |
Material |
Laurent Michel |
Introduction |
8' |
pdf |
Jesus Salgado |
Data Models: Homogeneous view for heterogeneous data |
10+3 |
pdf |
Jean Michel Glorian |
A developer's point of view on the use of models in the votable |
12+3 |
pdf |
Matthias Fuessling |
Science case requirement for CTA |
10+3 |
pdf |
François Bonnarel |
Mango YAML serialisation |
8+2 |
pdf |
Laurent, Notetaker:
notes: Etherpad link
Session #2 Model users have the floor
Thursday May 27 15:00 UTC
Speaker |
Title |
Time |
Material |
Laurent Michel |
Introduction |
4' |
pdf |
Gilles Landais |
Annotated VOTable in VizieR |
12+3 |
Ian Evans |
Science considerations for IVOA data models |
12+3 |
Jean Marc Petit |
Asteroids: astrometry, photometry, dynamics, survey modelling |
10+3 |
Laurent Michel |
Binding PyVO with MANGO |
10+3 |
Laurent, Notetaker:
notes: Etherpad link
Session #3 Let's talk mapping syntax
Friday May 26 15:00 UTC
Laurent, Notetaker:
notes: Etherpad link
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Topic revision: r19 - 2021-05-27 - LaurentMichel