---+ Handling Standard XML Schemas An XML Schema document is an XML document that defines a set of XML tag names that can be used to describe something in XML. Such documents typically end with the file extension =.xsd=. A W3C standard defines the XML language used to define the specialized tag names. An IVOA standard XML schema is one that has been defined in an IVOA specification document that goes through the IVOA standardization process. Standard schemas are most commonly used in the IVOA in support of Registries, but they are also used in other areas. ---++ Naming Conventions ---+++ Namespace A schema is identified via its _namespace URI_, which is globally unique. It is assigned within the schema (.xsd) document. A namespace URI for an IVOA standard schema must comply with the following convention: <tt>http://ivoa.net/xml/</tt><i>shortname</i><tt>/v</tt><i>version</i> where _shortname_ is a short name identifying the schema and _version_ is the version of the schema. For example, VOResource namespace URI is =http://ivoa.net/xml/VOResource/v1.0= <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2013-09-28 - RayPlante
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