Discussion of Document Standards V1.3 >V2.0


Create a new endorsement track for errata, implementation notes, etc ('Strong Notes'), as discussed during the May 2014 Interop TCG meeting.

Pre-WD versions

This version was discussed at the TCG meeting during the Cape Town Interoperability meeting (8 May 2016). It was decided
    • To update the version number to 2.0
    • To implement Endorsed Notes with eventually a Proposed Endorsed Note phase, in particular when the TCG decides to launch a RfC
    • To implement errata

  • 30 August 2016 .pdf
Version sent to the TCG for comments on 30 August 2016 with the following comments:
    • At present the document states that there will be a link to the errata in the standard landing page and also in the standard document itself. This is more work for the Document Coordinator but it is a way to keep track closely about the current status of the standard. This was discussed already in the TCG and some of you thought it could be sufficient to have a link in the landing page. We have to take a decision.
    • Again to improve the errata traceability, Marco proposes to add an extension to the document number when there is an erratum, incremented each time a list of errata is added by the TCG. REC NN.MM would become REC NN.MM.1 after a first set of errata is approved, then NN.MM.2 after the second set, etc. This would allow the document including the successive errata to appear in the Technical specification list www.ivoa.net/documents/. This is not included in the document for the moment. I personnally like the suggestion but your comments are welcome.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filedoc Note-DocStd-1.3-20140928.doc r1 manage 265.5 K 2014-09-30 - 07:24 FrancoiseGenova V1.3, 28 Sept 2014
PDFpdf Note-DocStd-1.3-20140928.pdf r1 manage 358.0 K 2014-09-30 - 07:24 FrancoiseGenova V1.3, 28 Sept. 2014
PDFpdf Note-DocStd-1.3-20140928_withchanges.pdf r1 manage 325.7 K 2014-09-30 - 07:25 FrancoiseGenova V1.3, 28 Sept. 2014
PDFpdf Note-DocStd-1_3-20160503.pdf r1 manage 263.2 K 2016-08-30 - 08:59 FrancoiseGenova  
PDFpdf WD-DocStd-2.0-20160830.pdf r1 manage 255.9 K 2016-08-30 - 09:10 FrancoiseGenova  
Microsoft Word filedoc WD-DocStd-2.0-20160830_old.doc r1 manage 313.0 K 2016-08-30 - 09:10 FrancoiseGenova  

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaStdsDocsProc > DocStd13
Topic revision: r2 - 2016-08-30 - FrancoiseGenova
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