---+ Education Interest Group ---+ First Virtual Meeting 2020, August 31 In this first virtual meeting of the IVOA Edu IG we want to exchange experiences we made with remote teaching during the Covid19 measures around the globe. As IVOA we now have quite some understanding how conferences can work remotely and of course what we miss here. Yet teaching is something different. ---++ Session 1, August 31, 10:00 UTC In the first of two sessions, we want to identify problems with remote teaching, search possible solutions and hopefully find a set of best practices to recommen to the IVOA members to use in their education and outreach efforts in the upcoming months (let's be optimistic here!). We would be happy about contributions from professors, teachers, and students. We are interested in your experiences, successes and mistakes during remote teaching, be it from the educational part, but also from the software part: Do you have any advice for using or not using a specific tool in a given situation: let us know! The presentations and speakers of the first session are listed below. It would be great if we receive the presentations as PDF before the session so we can publish them here. If you don't know how to add them here, please sent your presentation to heinl@g-vo.org. | *Time* | *Topic* | *Speaker* | *Presentation* | | 10:00-10:05 | Introduction | Chenzhou Cui | | | 10:05-10:15 | Remote teaching from Wuhan during the COVID-19 | Cuilan Qiao | | | 10:15-10:20 | Remote learning in Beijing during the COVID-19 | Alice Cui | | | 10:20-10:30 | Spanish VO remote hands-on workshop on VO tool | Fran Jiminez-Esteban and Miriam Cortes | | | 10:30-10:40 | Virtual and Remote Planetarium Programming: Case Studies and Resources | Corrie Roe | | | 10:40-10:50 | Remote learning, virtual instruction – for whom, by whom? | Susana Deustua | | | 10:50-11:00 | The Caveats in Virtual Teaching of Astronomy | Priya Hasan | | | 11:00-11:10 | The role of the educator in virtuality: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? | Beatriz Garcia | | ---++ Session 2, August 31, 16:00 UTC The second session is dedicated to continue discussions from Session 1 if needed, but will also involve an introduction to the idea of organising a remote IVOA workshop on VO standards and tools. Do we think that this is possible ? What infrastrucutre would we need ? Which software solution could we use etc. ? We suggest to discuss this possibility in the session and if we come to a solution would like to bring this idea to the TCG and Exec. <br />If you are interested in participating, please send a short notice to [[mailto:heinl@g-vo.org][heinl@g-vo.org]]. Don't forget to mention if you want to add a contribution to the sessions. <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r6 - 2020-08-27 - ChenzhouCui
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