* Name: Elie Soubrié * Email: elie.soubrie@ias.u-psud.fr * Company Name: Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale * Company URL: http://www.ias.u-psud.fr * Country: France __My Links__ * [[http://www.ias.u-psud.fr/stereo/festival][Festival]] : a solar image browser for STEREO and SOHO images __Personal Preferences (details in %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiVariables)__ * Horizontal size of text edit box: * Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70 * Vertical size of text edit box: * Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 17 * Style of text edit box. =width: 99%= for full window width (default), =width: auto= to disable. * Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99% <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r3 - 2006-12-11 - ElieSoubrie
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