---+ TCG Meeting - face-to-face - November 14 2024 @ 14:30 (Malta timezone) / 13:30 UTC %TOC% * _Attendees_ : * _Regrets_ : ---++ Agenda * (standing item): documents on track * RFC * VOTable-1.5 - [[VOTable15RFC][RFC page]] * VOEvent-2.1 - [[VOEventV21RFC][RFC page]] * EN * UCDList-1.6 - PEN released - vote * IVOAArchitecture-2.1 - sent to Exec - will poke for approval in ~2 hours * UDF-catalogue-1.2 - approved & available on the doc repo * Errata & VEPs * VEP-016 - status * November 2024 Interoperability Meeting (15-17 November, Malta) * quick final check of the schedule * TCG opening - prepare & stick to the time * P3T - highlights in view of the plenary * IVOA web static pages - report & pitch * in the program * * in the roadmap * to consider * ASDF * open topics/actions * (astronet.ru publishing registry issue) * ASDF, .parquet * DAP, OpenAPI * CAOM * SSO * ML/AI * AOB * Date for the next TCG vconf * *December 2024: 10, 12, 17, 18, 19 -> 13:00,14:00 or 20:00,21:00 UTC?* TCG meeting dates, as well as other relevant meetings, should always be reported also at the [[IvoaEvents][IVOA Events page]]. <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r2 - 2024-11-11 - MarcoMolinaro
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