---+ Group Membership Service: Request for Comments <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup --> Public discussion page for the IVOA GMS 1.0 Proposed Recommendation. The latest version of the GMS Specification can be found at: * <a target="_blank" href="https://ivoa.net/documents/GMS/index.html">PR-GMS-1.0-20210609</a> ---++ Reference Implementations * IA2 group at INAF developed a GMS implementation based on OAuth2 access tokens (JWT). The implementation is currently used by several astronomical portals for authorizing resource access. In addition to the standard search API some additional endpoints and a UI have been developed. The service is written in Java and source code is available at https://www.ict.inaf.it/gitlab/ia2/ia2-gms * The CADC has been operating a GMS service since 2013. It is a critical component in the architecture as all authorization decisions are based on group membership. It is implemented with an LDAP back-end. The service has extended the GMS API to include mechanisms to allow users to create and manage their own groups and memberships.<br />- Service and API: https://ws-cadc.canfar.net/ac <br />- Source: https://github.com/opencadc/ac <span style="background-color: #f6f6f6; color: #630000; font-size: 18.85px;">Comments from TCG members during RFC period: 2021-08-25 - 2021-09-30</span> ---+++ TCG Chair & Vice Chair ( _Janet Evans, Marco Molinaro_ ) ---+++ Applications Working Group ---+++ Data Access Layer Working Group ---+++ Data Model Working Group ---+++ Grid & Web Services Working Group ---+++ Registry Working Group ---+++ Semantics Working Group ---+++ Education Interest Group ---+++ Time Domain Interest Group ---+++ Data Curation & Preservation Interest Group ---+++ Operations Interest Group ---++ <a name="TCG_Vote_Vote_start_date_Vote_en"></a> TCG Vote ---++ If you have minor comments (typos) on the last version of the document please indicate it in the Comments column of the table and post them in the TCG comments section above with the date. | Group | Yes | No | Abstain | Comments | | TCG | | | | | | Apps | | | | | | DAL | | | | | | DM | | | | | | GWS | | | | | | Registry | | | | | | Semantics | | | | | | DCP | | | | | | KDIG | | | | | | SSIG | | | | | | Theory | | | | | | TD | | | | | | Ops | | | | | | <nop>StdProc | | | | | <!--</p> -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r4 - 2021-09-07 - BrianMajor
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