HEIG Meeting (online) - Fri Aug 30, 2024 @ 13:00 UTC
- New
- JE request a session at the Interop for the HEIG
- HEIG members review the Old actions and continue to work on them
- Old
- Giuseppe Greco - weriteup project description and use case for GW (Section 2 - see other examples there; also 4.5 for Multi-wavelength) - ??
- Juta - use case for Neutrino's - ??
- Ada/Laurent - Expand XMM description (Section 2.2.2) - OPEN
- ??? - Expand SVOM description (Sec 2.2.3) - OPEN
- Ian/Janet - Tools for data extraction and Vis review (section 3.4) - OPEN
- Ada - Use cases - Section 4.3 - review/expand (transient) - OPEN
- Mathieu (ALL see below) - Section 5 use case review - OPEN
- Laurent - Section 5.1.5 - MIVOT description - OPEN
- Mathieu - Provenance section - DONE
- Mark CD - data models in working drafts - Expand (Section 5.2) - INCOMPLETE
- Put Obscore section together to not lose what there but not do the deifnitive work on a list; keep list as candidates in discussion
- Mireille - Obscore table completion (6.2.2); other TODOs in Section 6.2.3 - NEEDS REVIEW
- Mathieu - Section 6.4, DataLink example - OPEN
- Ian - provide data flow specifications; open section to handle Neutrino; Section 3 - Review ... may need to qualify for data it maps to - DONE
- Tess - OGIP format description (Sec 3.3.1) - DONE
- Karl/Juta - GADF/VODF review (Sec 3.3.2) - DONE
- Karl - Use cases - Section 4.2/4.4 - review/expand (I believe Karl took actions on Bruno and would take back to group) - DONE
- MCD - MCD suggested Use cases that follow a story board are helpful to WGs that work to implement the standards; Mark will make several examples available to guide HEIG contributors - OPEN
- ALL - Several specific use cases were mentioned to add and we're sure there are more - (Events lists, science alerts (multi messenger), Vos-Obj, response functions) - Let's work to add use cases - WORKING
Meeting Agenda
- (Meeting notes added to the agenda and appear in BOLD)
- General Info
- IVOA meeting in Malta: Nov 15-17
- Links to VO and HE Astrophysics Draft: (also linked from HE wiki page)
- MS reviewed actions on doc based on GitHub recorded 'actions'
- HEIG group needs to review action list above to help JE map the actions recorded at meeting to GitHub 'actions'
- We reviewed/discussed the overall Document approach.
- I believe it was generally agreed that we should start out broad and cover all High Energy data no matter how their data is captured, stored, and used scientifically (Gamma Rays, X-rays, Neutrinos, Gravitational Wave, etc.)
- We should then discuss the specifics of various data formats and where there is overlap or differences in various data analysis threads. (Having event lists for example is only used in a subset of wavebands.
- Given this big picture, the HE IG will search for common or distinct solutions to data formats that serve the group. As always, tasks will be prioritized based on interest and resources to work on a project.
- We also have a number of areas of interest: Data formats (including response functions), Observation planning, VO Event.
- We really need to get the IVOA Note in shape to represent the collective view
- it takes work from the lead author and support from the group to fulfill actions and make contributions within the context of the document goals.
- Malta plans for session
- We reviewed whether a plenary or session was out 'ask' for Malta and decided we would ask for a plenary.
- FC (from the CSP) suggested to work with CSP on a session with High energy and TDAMM to show a science driver for this work.
- One thought of an outline for the session ... let's start here and talk it out. Need to extend invites soon. :
- Science presentation(s) covering: Xray & Gamma ray (overview/science use cases)
- Science presentation(s) covering Neutrino/Gravitational wave (overview/science use cases)
- Science motivation - Joint with Time Domain focus
- The HEIG pitch/outline for doing business/ask of the IVOA
- Interest in topics of IVOA - Data formats (including response functions) - answer: Why are the data different??, Obscore, Observation planning, VO Event. Will coordinate efforts with DM, Timing, etc.
- Will work internally and with other IVOA WG/IG to provide a wider understanding of astronomical data and work toward standards that include HE better when they exist, and pave new paths when they to not (i.e., Data Cube/Event list/Response).
- JE will put in a session request on the TCG planning page
- Giueppe Greco provided the following links via email ... needs followup:
- Next Mtg: Friday, Sep 27 @13:00 UTC
This topic: IVOA
> IvoaSciencePriorities >
HEGroup > HEIG_30Aug24
Topic revision: r5 - 2024-09-04 - MathieuServillat