HEIG Meeting (online) - Winter 2025, Jan 24th @ 14:30 UTC
Meeting ID: 863 5147 6440
Secret code: 937310
Meeting notes in
- Attendees: Bruno, Laurant, Rafaele, Antara, Ian, Janet, Mathieu, Pierre C, Filioop, Jutta,
- Regrets:
Meeting Agenda
- Introduction
- IVOA News (Janet)
- New HEIG !!! (had to submit a motivation and charter then Exec review/approval
- HEIG team members contributed - Plenary on HE/TDAM, Obscore, DataModel
- Architecture Document v2.1 updated and approved
- Added a VOEvent session since TDAM ppl attended and were interested to discuss; notes & actions taken
- Couple of bigger topics/actions from discussions for TCG/IVOA to tackle:
- Major breaking changes to IVOA standards - How to handle??
- 2025 Roadmap - collection of items and definition (all)
- Organization of HEIG - Monthly meetings, Next Hybrid meeting (Bruno)
- Thematic remote meeting: Obscore extension proposal by Patrick Dowler (see Janet's email of the 01/06/25) (Bruno)
- We got a paper from Michele Doro (12/13/24) to review. - MAGIC_DL5_data_portal_v20250201.pdf
- This is a good paper that outlines the data distribution and headers of data; pulls in VO & IVOA; discusses the data model and Obscore.
- I think should be reviewed as HEIG works through it's priorities on these topics.
- Next Mtg:
This topic: IVOA
> IvoaSciencePriorities >
HEGroup > HEIG_Winter25
Topic revision: r7 - 2025-01-24 - JanetEvans