---+ [[RegistryWorkingGroup]] ---+ Work Package 4 (Rwp04): Registry Replication & Interfaces __Contents__ %TOC% ---++ Introduction The remit of Work Package 4 is to design a mechanism whereby registry information may be managed and distributed in a robust, scalable fashion and provide a query schema used to interrogate the registry. ---+++ Members The members of the team are: | *Name* | *Email* | | [[IVOA.AndreSchaaff][Andre Schaaff]] | schaaff@astro.u-strasbg.fr | | [[IVOA.GretchenGreene][Gretchen Greene]] | greene@stsci.edu | | [[IVOA.KeithNoddle][Keith Noddle (WP lead)]] | ktn@star.le.ac.uk | | [[IVOA.MarcoLeoni][Marco Leoni]] | mleoni@eso.org | | [[IVOA.RayPlante][Ray Plante]] | rplante@ncsa.uiuc.edu | | [[IVOA.WilliamOMullane][William O'Mullane]] | womullan@pha.jhu.edu | ---+++ Scope Rwp04 has 4 main goals: 1 Design the distribution mechanism 1 Design a Query Schema for interrogating the registry 1 Define the interfaces whereby the above 2 will be achieved 1 Define the interfaces whereby registry contents may be managed __Note__ "Distributed" in the sense used above can mean many things from referenced (pointers to data) through to replicated (copies of data). At the conclusion of Rwp04 a definition will have been finalised! ---+++ Timetable | *Date* | *Deliverable* | | 2 May 2003 | Draft replication specification | | 2 May 2003 | Draft 0.1 Query Schema | | 28 June 2003 | Draft 0.2 Query Schema | -- KeithNoddle - 16 Apr 2003 <br><br><br> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r1 - 2003-04-16 - KeithNoddle
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