([[IVOA.IVOATheorySimDB][back to main]])<br/> This page is devoted to describing the [[IVOA.IVOATheorySimDB][SimDB]] data model (!SimDB/DM from now on). ---++ Current model As described [[IVOA.IVOATheorySimDB][here]] all development can be followed on Volute. Particularly relevant for the discussion on this page is the data model in [[http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/theory/snapdm/specification/uml/SimDB_DM.xml][uml/SimDB_DM.xml]]. The previous versions as well as later working versions can be found in the history of this file, as well as its direct predecessor [[http://code.google.com/p/volute/source/browse/trunk/projects/theory/snapdm/input/SimDB_DM.xml?r=902][version r902]]. An image of the latest version of the model is reproduced at the bottom of this page. ---+ To be discussed * OK on approach? * modelling: analysis(conceptual)->logical->physical * TAP+XML+UTYPE serialisations derived from logical model * Identify main issues of model * sufficiently detailed resources? * characterisation, provenance etc (see [[IVOA.IVOATheorySimDBDM_CharProv][separate page]]) * normalisation (problem for XML, little for TAP) * "queriability" (problem for TAP) * missing semantic vocabularies * quantities/units * Clean up * documentation in the UML * Description of model in Note * finalise the serialisation to UTYPEs * finalise the serialisation to TAP (see [[IVOA.IVOATheorySimDBTAP]]) * finalise the serialisation to XML schema ((see [[IVOA.IVOATheorySimDBREST]]) * reuse by other specs * !SimDAP * S3 * ... <br/> ([[IVOA.IVOATheorySimDB][back to main]])<br/><br/> <hr/> <img src="http://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/theory/snapdm/specification/img/all.png"></img> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r15 - 2009-10-05 - GerardLemson
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