SimDB Data Model Review

This page is meant to gather comments on the SimDB data model from the theory IG and data model WG. The data model that we propose can be found from the following links pointing to the volute project at googlecode:
  • UML: a MagicDraw CE 12.1 file
  • Detailed HTML documentation (generated using Vo-URP XSLT scripts).
  • xsd/: XML Schema files that define how instances of the data model can be presented in XML. (generated using Vo-URP XSLT scripts)
    • xsd/SimDB_root.xsd: the "element" part of the SimDB schema set. It contains the valid root elements, i.e. the ones with which documents can be made. It depends on "type-schemas" that are all imported by this schema.
    • base.xsd: a schema defining some base types for use by other type definitions in the schema set.
    • The other XSD files in xsd/ and xsd/simdb/ and sub-directories define the (complex and simple)types. There is one type-schema document per XSD namespace, one XSD namespace per UML package.

Note that a Note is under development, which will be turned into a working draft asap. We are not yet asking for comments on this document here. When it is further developed we will notify the theory and dm mailing lists.

On this page we are looking for comments on the individual elements in the model as they are documented in the HTML document. Our plan is to review this page at the end of each week; comment on the comments and/or update the model and generated documents. In particular we are looking for incomplete specifications, especially missing or incomprehensible descriptions. To this end we propose that each individual comment should be preceeded by the date and the UTYPE of the element that is given with the element's definition in the HTML.

NB This page complements the more general discussion page.

Comments week 25-29 May 2010

2010-05-25 SimDB:simdb/experiment/Snapshot

Do we still need this class, or can we infer that a result is a snapshot if it has as Target an instance with skos label "snapshot"?

This topic: IVOA > IvoaTheory > IVOATheorySimDBDMReview
Topic revision: r1 - 2010-05-24 - GerardLemson
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