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SimDB is based on a data model.
Data models are supposed to be represented in UML and be accompanied by an XML schema.
In SimDB we propose the following usage for this schema
- Defines valid SimDB/XML documents.
- Such documents can be retrieved upon a simple GET request (format to be decided) for single (or multiple?), identified SimDB/Resource(-s).
- Such documents MAY be used if a SimDB instance allows upload/insertion of SimDB/Resource-s.
Issue to be discussed:
- Only concrete (i.e. non-abstract) root entity classes mapped to root elements
- use of predefined base.xsd
- each package mapped to own XML doc with own targetnamespace
- identifiers structured
- database id (a long)
- ivoIdentifier
- xml ID (for references internal to doc)
- ?publisherDID?
- references mapped to element containing just an identifier
- ...
Comment: Priorities
In order to keep up the progress on SimDB becoming a recommendation, the ReST interface is secondary to finalizing the data model and mapping it onto a TAP service. I think we should set this topic aside until we have some SimDB services implemented. If users start to query the databases, they may begin asking for a common mechanism to add metadata about their simulations. This would be the point to finalize the ReST interface.
-- RickWagner - 19 May 2009
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