Here we discuss the relations between SimDB and the Registry.
- How should a SimDB be registered?
- SimDB/Resource is not equivalent to Registry/Resource, but has clear correspondences. Should these be made "formal" in some way, for example using UTYPEs.
- Some SimDB/Resources could/should be registered in a registry as well. This is one motivation for SimDB/Project for example. Can this be postponed to later version?
- In view of previous point, can SimDB be seen as an "extension registry"? Should this be formalised (in a later version)?
- What can SimDB learn from registry efforts regarding:
- allowing (and specifying ?) upload of new resource-s
- harvesting
- use of references to other existing, registered resources (unsing IVO Identifiers).
- query interfaces
- other ...
This topic: IVOA
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IVOATheorySimDB > IVOATheorySimDBRegistry
Topic revision: r1 - 2009-05-13 - GerardLemson