([[IVOA.IVOATheorySimDB][back to main]])<br/> By design, !SimDB "is a" TAP service. It _is a_ TAP service in that it presumes that metadata is stored in a relational database and ADQL queries can be sent to it to query about its contents. It _specialises_ TAP in that it defines what the data models is according to which the database is designed. I.e. all tables/columns etc are fully specified and all !SimDB implementations must folow that data model. We use TAP in full generality rather than a predefined parameterised query language because it offers greatest flexibility. Targeted clients can always wrap the ADQL interface with parametrised forms if they so desire. In a later stages/versions we may consider allowing other query langugages, for example XQuery. In version 1.0 we want to apply the existing IVOA query language. The !SimDB/TAP_SCHEMA is derived form the !SimDB data model described [[][elsewhere]]. It is derived following a prescribed set of object-relational mapping rules. ---+ TODO Following issues must be discussed, sometimes together with DM WG and Theory IG * TAP representation of the data model * how to formally specify the data model in a spec? Suggestion: filed-in VOTable containing complete TAP_SCHEMA. * how to specify inheritance in TAP model? Views? * !SimDB as specialisation of TAP * only sync+ADQL MUST be supported * Data model <br/> ([[IVOA.IVOATheorySimDB][back to main]]) <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r3 - 2009-05-19 - GerardLemson
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