TSAP (SSAP theory use case)

The first attempt (as an ESAVO-SVO collaboration) to define such a protocol was TSAP (Theoretical Spectral Access Protocol), designed to access theoretical spectra. Now TSAP is part of the SSAP protocol as a Use Case.

General information about TSAP

Model services using TSAP

Applications using TSAP

  • VOSpec
    • An ESA-VO tool able to handle Spectra in the VO context as well as providing analysis capabilities and easy integration of spectra coming from different data providers, wavelengths, and different metadata
    • accesses theoretical spectra in the VO allowing to compare them with observed data.
  • VOSed
    • An SVO tool that permits to characterize the protoplanetary disks around young stars taking advantage of the already existing VO standards and tools.
    • uses TSAP to access Dalessio models to fit observed data.
  • VOSA
    • a web application developed using VO resources to fit observational data with theoretical models to infer physical properties for the observed objects.
    • uses TSAP to access several theoretical spectra collections and synthetic photometry corresponding to those spectra and find the best fit for observed photometry.

This topic: IVOA > IvoaTheory > IVOATheoryTSAP
Topic revision: r3 - 2012-06-26 - root
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