*Links:* IvoaResReg :: [[http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/][registry mail archive]] :: IVOARegWp03 :: IdAmend :: ResourceMetadata ---+++ Some Strawman Amendments to the Identifier WD * [[IdAmendPtA][Part A.]] * [[IdAmendPtB][Part B.]] * [[IdAmendPtC][Part C.]] * Part D ---+ Part D. Persistant Dataset Identifiers (PDI) and ADEC Compatibility. This proposal is intended to provide compatibility between the ADEC Dataset Verification and Resolution Services (DVRS) ([[http://ads.harvard.edu/www/dv/]]) and VO Registries. It recommends a choice for ADEC dataset identifiers that will allow a VO registry to locate the services for accessing that dataset. It makes use of <nop>LogicalIdentifiers proposed in [[IdAmendPtB][Part B.]] and assumes that a dataset may or may not be explicitly registered. * If the dataset is explicitly registered, then the URN form of the VO <nop>LogicalIdentifier should be given as the ADEC identifier. * If the dataset is not registered, then the data collection should be registered. It is recommended that the provider implement a data resolver service as defined in the ADEC DVRS framework and include a reference to the service in the data collection's metadata. If the data collection is not registered, then a service that serves that dataset (e.g. a data resolver service) should be registered. The recommended ADEC identifier in this case should be <nop>LogicalIdentifier of the data collection or service, followed by a pound sign (#) and a unique dataset name. * Given a VO-compliant ADEC identifier, one can resolve the identifier with the following recipe: 1 The portion of the identifier prior to the # can be given to a searchable registry in by-<nop>LogicalIdentifier look-up query which would return one or more resources that can provide access to the dataset. 2 If a matched resource is a <nop>DataCollection, its metadata is examined for a data resolver service. 3 If a matched resource is a data resolver service or one was located from a matched <nop>DataCollection, the data resolver service can be called to get access to the dataset. 4 If a data resolver service is not available, any of the matched <nop>DataCollections or Services can be returned to the user; however, further automated resolution may not be possible. To make this proposal work, we recommend to ADEC the following: * that VO Persistant Dataset Identifiers be accepted as ADEC identifiers. Note that the current suggested, two-component form of ADEC identifiers may be used as an IVOA resource identifier, and thus, a PDI. * that the <nop>DataResolver service be defined as a standard VO service. * that the ADS use the standard <nop>DataResolver service to query data centers. <br><br><br> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
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