Radio IG Session at the IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting

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Radio IG Session: Sunday November 17, 2024 @09:30-11:00 CET (Session #9) Aula Magna
Speaker Title and Abstract Materials Time
Mattia Mancini

Improve the accessability of the LOFAR space weather catalogue

The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) has proven to be a valuable tool for solar and space weather research, offering high-resolution dynamic imaging spectroscopy and recently some continuous monitoring capabilities. However, the datasets generated by LOFAR are often large and complex, making data reduction and retrieval challenging. Moreover, the Long Term Archive (LTA) poses additional hurdles in accessing solar and space weather data, as it lacks user-friendly searchfunctionalities for these specific datasets and a sensible preview. The extensive number of LOFAR regular observing campaigns, and the real-time monitoring via a single station catalogue for the Incremental development of LOFAR Space-Weather (IDOLS), motivated us to streamline data processing and archiving. We have developed a preliminary catalogue that includes all previous observations, encompassing both dynamic spectrum and imaging data. This catalogue is a critical step towards transforming LOFAR's big data into science-ready, accessible data, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of solar and space weather research.

Mark Kettenis Obscore Extension for Radio: status and open issues pdf 10
All Discussion 60

Relevant Links and Information

  • Moderator: MarkKettenis
  • Note Taker: Vicenzo Galluzzi
  • Collaborative Notes:

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