---+ Joint Solar System IG & Semantics WG Session at the November 2024 Interop, Malta Saturday, November 16, 16:00-17:30 Aula Magna. See [[InterOpNov2024]] for the complete programme. %ICON{"warning"}% *DRAFT VERSION* ---++ Schedule | *Speaker* | *Title* | *Material* | *Time* | | SebastienDerriere | UCD 1.6 release | | 5' | | BaptisteCecconi | Vocabulary updates | | 15' + 3' | | StephaneErard | PDS4 / EPNCore conversion, application to PDS SBN collections | | 12' + 3' | | StephaneErard | Viewing small bodies in TOPCAT (& Aladin) | | 12' + 3' | | RobertRovetto | Semantic Modeling for Astronomical Phenomena | | 12' + 3' | | BaptisteCecconi | OPAL project | | 12' + 3' | <br /> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
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Topic revision: r2 - 2024-11-05 - BaptisteCecconi
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