April 2022 IVOA Virtual Interop Meeting Schedule

All times are UTC -- check your local times https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

Meeting registration, participant list, call for contributions etc are at https://indico.ict.inaf.it/e/ivoa/interop-april-2022.

Gather.town link: ESCAPE/ObAs provided Gather town setup

Abstracts -- See WG/IG schedules

Hack-a-thon session(s): post your suggested topics on this collaborative pad!

Interop Helpdesk email alias — interop_helpdesk@ivoa.net

** Zoom links will be published below each day a few hours before the first session starts


We welcome feedback about the meeting, please leave your comments here.

Recorded Sessions

Recordings for the sessions will be uploaded to the CANFAR VOSpace service as soon as possible after the session: https://www.canfar.net/storage/list/pdowler/ivoa/virtual2022a

Or, for the brave, this is vos://cadc.nrc.ca~vault/pdowler/ivoa/virtual2022a


Session Time (UTC) Elapse time Session Notes
Monday Apr 25, 2022
ZOOM LINK for Monday: sessions concluded
Intro1 20:30 UTC 60 min Newcomers Intro - IVOA Basics Henrik Heinl/Dave Morris
  21:30 Break - 30 min
Intro2 22:00 60 min Newcomers Intro - IVOA Examples Henrik Heinl/Dave Morris
  23:00 End of Session
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
ZOOM LINK for Tuesday: sessions concluded
1 05:00 UTC 10 min Welcome & Logistics Marco Molinaro
05:10 20 min State of the IVOA Bruce Berriman
05:30 10 min State of the CSP Ada Nebot
05:40 20 min State of the TCG Janet Evans
  06:00 Break - 10 min
2 06:10 50 min Charge to WGs/IGs; Hack-a-Thon Overview WG/IG Chairs
  07:00 Break - 6.5 hours  
3 13:30 60 min IVOA engagement with the IAU Bruce Berriman (Exec)
  14:30 Break - 30 min
4 15:00 90 min Survey Summary/Publishing Data in the VO Ada Nebot (CSP)
  16:30 Break - 4.0 hours
5 20:30 60 min Data Access Layer 1 James Dempsey/Gregory Mantelet
  21:30 Break - 30 min
6 22:00 60 min Operations 1 Mark Taylor/Steve Groom
  23:00 End of Session
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
ZOOM LINK for Wednesday: sessions concluded
7 5:00 60 min Grid and Web Services 1 Giuliano Taffoni/Christine Banek / Brent Miszalski
  6:00 Break - 30 min
8 6:30 60 min TDIG/RadioIG Ada Nebot/Brent Miszalski/Mark Cresitello Dittmar/Mark Lacy/Francois Bonnarel
  7:30 Break - 6.0 hours
9 13:30 60 min Applications Tom Donaldson/Adrian Damian
  14:30 Break - 30 min
10 15:00 60 min Data Model 1 Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado
  16:00 Break - 4.5 hours
11 20:30 60 min Education Henrik Heinl, Giulia lafrate
  21:30 Break - 30 min
12 22:00 60 min Theory Gerard Lemson/Simon O'Toole
  23:00 End of Session  
Thursday Apr 28 2022
ZOOM LINK for Thursday: sessions concluded
13 05:00 60 min Data Model 2 Laurent Michel/Jesus Salgado
  06:00 Break - 30 min
14 06:30 60 min Data Access Layer 2 James Dempsey/Gregory Mantelet
  07:30 Break - 6.0 hours
15 13:30 60 min Hack-a-thon Tom Donaldson/Adrian Damian/Marco Molinaro
  14:30 Break - 30 min
16 15:00 90 min Hack-a-thon Tom Donaldson/Adrian Damian/Marco Molinaro
  16:30 Break - 4 hours
17 20:30 60 min Radio Mark Lacy/Francois Bonnarel
  21:30 Break - 60 min
18 22:30 60 min Knowledge Discovery Raffaele D'Abrusco
  23:30 End of Session
Friday Apr 29 2022
ZOOM LINK for Friday: sessions concluded
19 05:00 60 min Data Curation and Preservation Andre Schaaff/Tim Jenness
  06:00 Break - 30 min
20 06:30 60 min Semantics Markus Demleitner/Carlo Maria Zwoelf
  07:30 Break - 6.0 hours
21 13:30 60 min Grid and Web Services 2 Giuliano Taffoni/Christine Banek
  14:30 Break - 30 mins
22 15:00 60 min Registry Theresa Dower/Pierre Le Sidaner
  16:00 Break - 4.5 hours
23 20:30 60 min Operations 2 Mark Taylor/Steve Groom
  21:30 Break - 10 min
24 21:40 45 min WGs and IGs Closing Summary WG & IG Chairs
    5 min TCG Closing Summary Janet Evans/Marco Molinaro
    15 min Exec Closing Summary Bruce Berriman
  22:45 End of Session

Next Few weeks - Follow-on sessions

See individual pages for connection details
Note: there are several sessions that will be scheduled over the next few weeks. Details will be posted here. Notifications wll be sent via email. Post interop meetings are in the early stages of planning.
Post Interop Virtual Meetings

* We welcome feedback about the meeting, please leave your comments here.

Topic attachments
I AttachmentSorted ascending History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf CSP-Status-Interop-2022A.pdf r1 manage 390.3 K 2022-04-25 - 16:56 AdaNebot  
PDFpdf Exec_Closing_Summary.pdf r1 manage 1055.2 K 2022-04-28 - 15:39 BruceBerriman  
PDFpdf State_of_the_IVOA_May_2022_Final.pdf r1 manage 9577.2 K 2022-04-25 - 18:54 BruceBerriman  
PDFpdf vademecum.pdf r1 manage 109.0 K 2022-04-25 - 20:21 MarcoMolinaro  
PDFpdf Virtual-Apr2022-TCG-close.pdf r2 r1 manage 831.5 K 2022-04-29 - 20:51 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf Virtual-Apr2022-TCG-open.pdf r1 manage 826.0 K 2022-04-25 - 19:28 JanetEvans  

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > WebPreferences > ProgramPrepVirtualApr2022 > InterOpApr2022
Topic revision: r36 - 2022-04-29 - MarkCresitelloDittmar
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