---+ DM Sessions Schedule - IVOA Apr 2022 Interoperability Meeting *[[[InterOpApr2022][back to main programme page]]]* ---+++ <strong>*** DRAFT under development * </strong> | *Schedule Summary* ||||||| | *Session* | *DateTime UTC* | *UTC-07:00* | *UTC-04:00* | *UTC+02:00* | *UTC+08:00* | *UTC+10:00* | | ^ | ^ | _Victoria BC/Pasadena_ | _Washington DC_ | _Strasbourg_ | _Perth/Beijing_ | _Canberra_ | | DM 1 | [[https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=DM1&iso=20220427T1500&p1=1440&ah=1][Apr 27 15:00]] | Apr 27 08:00 | Apr 27 11:00 | Apr 27 17:00 | Apr 27 23:00 | Apr 28 01:00 | | DM 2 | [[https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=DM2&iso=20220428T0630&p1=1440&ah=1][Apr 28 06:30]] | Apr 27 23:30 | Apr 28 02:30 | Apr 28 08:30 | Apr 28 14:30 | Apr 28 16:30 | ---++++ Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table. ---++ DM 1: Data Models *Time: [[https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=DM1&iso=20220427T1500&p1=1440&ah=1][Apr 27 15:00]] [session #10]* | *Speaker* | *Title* | *Time* | *Material* | | Paul Harrison | DM Tooling | 12 + 3 | | | Mathieu Servillat | Last Step Provenance | 12 + 3 | | | Paul Harrison | Observation Proposal DM | 12 + 3 | | | Francois Bonnarel | Field of View DM | 12 + 3 | | Moderator: [[IVOA.LaurentMichel][Laurent]], Notetaker: [[IVOA.JesusSalgado][Jesus]] *notes: [[%ATTACHURL%/IVOA_Apr_DM_etherpad.txt][etherpad notes]] ([[https://yopad.eu/p/IVOA_Apr22_DM-365days][link to live notes]], should expire around end of April 2023)* ---++ DM 2 : VOTable Annotation *Time:* *[[https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=DM2&iso=20220428T0630&p1=1440&ah=1][Apr 28 06:30]] [session #14]* | *Speaker* | *Title* | *Time* | *Material* | | Laurent Michel | Annotation Syntax | 12+ 3 | | | Mireille Louys | Annotating TAP Responses on the Fly | 12 + 3 | | | Laurent Michel | Implementation Status, issues and Prospects | | | | | | | | Moderator: [[IVOA.LaurentMichel][Laurent]], Notetaker: [[IVOA.JesusSalgado][Jesus]] *notes: [[%ATTACHURL%/IVOA_Apr_DM_etherpad.txt][etherpad notes]] ([[https://yopad.eu/p/IVOA_Apr22_DM-365days][link to live notes]], should expire around end of April 2023)* ---++ <strong>Abstracts<br /></strong> *DM Tooling (Paul Harrison)* Recent updates to the tools for data model authors will be discussed. The tools are now driven by gradle and can be found in <a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/ivoa/vo-dml" title="https://github.com/ivoa/vo-dml">https://github.com/ivoa/vo-dml</a> *Last Step Provenance (Mathieu Servillat)* abstract *Observation Proposal DM (Paul Harrison)* A data model for creating and managing observing proposals is being created in <a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/ivoa/ProposalDM" title="proposal data model">https://github.com/ivoa/ProposalDM</a>. The current status and future plans will be presented. It should be noted that there will be a [[InterOpApr2022Hack][hack-a-thon session]] for those wishing to learn more and be able to contribute to the model. *Field of View DM (François Bonnarel)* The field of views descriptors used by Alain are currently coded in VOTable in a way that is not standardized by the OV but are understood only by Aladin.<br />The Model Instance in VOtable (MIVOT) standard is being recommended to encode in VOTable annotations to associate data models with tabular data.<br />The presented work proposes to replace the current field of view encoding in Aladin with an encoding based on MIVOT and on a field of view data model reusing some VO model components. *Annotation Syntax (Laurent Michel)* VO mode annotation syntax proposes a syntax to map VOTable data on any model serialized in VO-DML. MIVOT annotations are grouped in a single XML block located in the resource head. The annotations operate as a bridge between the data and the model. It can denote the way data are connected to each other as well as different tables can be joined together. It is also able to carry data or meta-data that are missing in the VOTable. The annotation block is made of bricks that facilitate both annotation process and model instance reconstruction. it has been designed so as not to alter the original VOTable content, thus limiting its impact on legacy clients. *Annotating TAP Response on the Fly (Mireille Louys)* With the success and widespread of the IVOA Table Access Protocol for discovering and querying tabular data in astronomy, more than one hundred of TAP services exposing altogether 22 thousands of tables are accessible from the IVOA Registries at the time of writing. Currently the TAP protocol presents table data and metadata via a {TAP\_SCHEMA} describing the served tables with their columns and possible joins between them. We explore here how to add an information layer, so that values within table columns can be gathered and used to populate instances of objects defined in a selected IVOA data model like Photometry, Coords, Measure, Transform or the proposed MANGO container model. This information layer is provided through annotation tags which tell how the columns' values can be interpreted as attributes of instances of that model. Then when a TAP query is processed, our server add-on interprets the ADQL query string and produces on-the-fly, when possible, the TAP response as an annotated VOTable document. The FIELD elements in the table response are mapped to corresponding model elements templated for this service. This has been prototyped in Java, using the VOLLT package library and a template annotation document representing elements from the MANGO data model. This has been exercised on examples based on Vizier and Chandra catalogs. *Annotation: Implementation Status, Issues and Prospects (Laurent Michel)* The Model Instance in VOtable standard needs reference implementations to be validated. These reference implementations are based on annotated VOtables; they must also demonstrate that code reading VOtable data through a model view is both feasible and useful. We will present a Python based demonstrator exploring different ways to design model-based APIs. This talk is connected with the first hack-a-thon [[https://mdbook.obspm.fr/s/GqRszivT9#][topic]] *[[[InterOpApr2022][back to main programme page]]]* -- IVOA.LaurentMichel - 2022-04-21 <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r6 - 2022-04-21 - PaulHarrison
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