---+ Hack-a-thon Session - IVOA Apr 2022 Interoperability Meeting ---++ Thursday 28 April 2022 - 13:30 & 15:00 UTC *[[[InterOpApr2022][back to main programme page]]]* ---++ Where: [[https://app.gather.town/app/PuCDQczUl8pfyXH3/ObAS][Gather Town]] The hack-a-thon sessions, pitched at Interop's opening and reported/contributed on this [[https://mdbook.obspm.fr/xj8nncJXT1O84OTNkFncgg?both][collaborative pad]], will take place on the [[https://app.gather.town/app/PuCDQczUl8pfyXH3/ObAS][Gather Town]] online space (kindly offered and set up by CNRS/Obs.Strasbourg and EU H2020 ESCAPE project). The schedule setup will see two main time slots (back to back) but you can always organise in groups and use other time slots (Gather town is always open). | *Schedule Summary* ||||||| | *Session* | *DateTime UTC* | *UTC-07:00* | *UTC-04:00* | *UTC+02:00* | *UTC+08:00* | *UTC+10:00* | | ^ | ^ | _Victoria BC/Pasadena_ | _Washington DC_ | _Strasbourg_ | _Perth/Beijing_ | _Canberra_ | | 1 | [[https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=hack-a-thon-1&iso=20220428T1330&ah=1][Apr 28 13:30 (60')]] | Apr 28 06:30 | Apr 28 09:30 | Apr 28 15:30 | Apr 28 21:30 | Apr 28 23:30 | | 2 | [[https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=hack-a-thon-2&iso=20220428T1500&ah=1&am=30][Apr 28 15:00 (90')]] | Apr 28 08:00 | Apr 28 11:00 | Apr 28 17:00 | Apr 28 23:00 | Apr 29 01:00 | ---++++ Agenda * Welcome and short intro * Pitch ideas (1 min each) * Group ourselves and get to work * Not much time, so pick smallish projects, and if you like: * prepare ahead of time (at least have a look around gather.town) * work during break(s) * arrange with collaborators to continue after the Interop ---++ Reporting hack-a-thon work/discussion. You are invited to present a 2 minute single slide summary of your hack project at the closing plenary. It great to hear about what worked and what didn't, and what might come next. Topics to be included in this hands-on hack-a-thon are welcome and collected [[https://mdbook.obspm.fr/xj8nncJXT1O84OTNkFncgg?both][here]] (collaborative pad). However, single hack-a-thon topics are encouraged to keep notes of what they did in separate collabroative pads (e.g. using [[https://yopad.eu/][yopad EtherPad]]s or similar) and then attach them here. If you have doubts on how to do that: refer to topic reference people or interop_helpdesk [at] ivoa [dot] net. ---+++ Example Topic Report A short description (maybe taken from the topics pad) * Use !%ATTACHURL% to link to the attached report from the hack-a-thon ---+++ Running List of Topic Reports <h4 id="Define-pyvo-API-for-accessing-VODML-information-in-DAL-results">Define pyvo API for accessing VODML information in DAL results</h4> (Laurent Michel/Tom Donaldson)<br /> Work is progressing on instantiating Astropy objects directly from VOTables annotated with VODML. PyVO seems like the best place to support that work. How should the API look? * See the wiki for (<a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="DataAnnotation">VO Model Annotation Syntax (VOMAS or MIVOT)</a>) * A Github Wiki [[https://github.com/ivoa/modelinstanceinvot-code/wiki][page]] has been open to detail the issue * Users can put their requirements/ideas on this dedicated [[https://github.com/ivoa/modelinstanceinvot-code/wiki/hack-a-thon-contributions][page]] * A session [[https://yopad.eu/p/hack-a-thon-mapping-365days][note pad]] is also available ---++++ ProposalDM Hacking (Paul Harrison) The ProposalDM is being developed at https://github.com/ivoa/ProposalDM. This session is intended for people who want to contribute to the further development of the model. Topics for discussion can include (but are not limited to); <div id="_mcePaste"> * Using the tools associated with creating ProposalDM * Extending and refining ProposalDM * writing tests for particular observatory use cases (that exercise the model) * examining structures and concepts within the model * Relationships with other efforts * other exisiting IVOA data models * new small data model that could be created e.g. Source DM. * semantics efforts - see for example [[http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/semantics/2022-February/002965.html][discussion on "facility"]] <span style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline;">[[https://yopad.eu/p/hack-a-thon-proposaldm-365days][note pad]]</span></div> ---++++ ExecutionPlanner Hacking -- IVOA.DaveMorris Where next for the ExecutionPlanner? * Is there enough to make a start on a draft standard? * Is anyone interested in developing some prototypes? The latest version of the JSON schema is published on [[https://github.com/ivoa/ExecutionPlannerNote/tree/main/schema/json][GitHub]]. * The JSON [[https://github.com/ivoa/ExecutionPlannerNote/tree/main/schema/json][schema files]] * Some JSON [[https://github.com/ivoa/ExecutionPlannerNote/tree/main/schema/json/examples][examples]] * What works / doesn't work? * What is missing ? ---++++ TAP container with RegTAP support (Marco Molinaro, Grégory Mantelet, Markus Demleitner) Two solutions listed in the abstract: VOLLT/TAPLib and DACHS. *VOLLT* In preparation of this topic, here is a simple Docker-Compose solution working with <a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/gmantele/vollt" title="GitHub Repository of VOLLT">VOLLT/TAPLib</a> and setting up a <a target="_blank" href="https://www.ivoa.net/documents/RegTAP/20191011/index.html" title="RegTAP-1.1 document">RegTAP</a> service with an empty PostgreSQL database (apart from the schemas =TAP_SCHEMA= and =rr=, and the required User Defined Functions): [[%ATTACHURL%/regtap_20220427.tar.gz][regtap_20220427.tar.gz]] To use it: 1 Unzip, 1 Go into the directory containing the =docker-compose.yml=, 1 Run `<span class="WYSIWYG_TT">docker-compose up</span>` 1 Visit the URL <a target="_blank" href="http://localhost:8081/regtap">http://localhost:8081/regtap</a>. What is not included in there is the harvesting or addition of registry entries. *DACHS* As said above the other solution is to use <a target="_blank" href="https://docs.g-vo.org/DaCHS/" title="DACHS documentation website">DACHS</a>: =apt install gavodachs2-server; cd /var/gavo/inputs; svn checkout http://svn.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/svn/gavo/hdinputs/rr/; dachs imp rr/q create= *Hack-a-thon goals* * technical solution to use and/or improve (e.g. docker, vollt, dachs, ...) * where and how to get the RegTAP content to publish (e.g. harvesting, adding custom registry entries, ...) * ... *[[[InterOpApr2022][back to main programme page]]]* <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r12 - 2022-04-28 - GregoryMantelet
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