---+ Operations Interest Group Sessions: April 2022, Online *[[[InterOpApr2022][back to main programme page]]]* ---++ *Draft* Schedule | *Ops 1: Operations and Standards. Tues Apr 26, 22:00-23:00 UTC (Session #6)* ||| | *Speaker* | *Title* | *Materials* | | Markus Demleitner | Requirements and Validators | | | _discussion_ ||| | Mark Taylor | Validation for VO standard authors | | | _review of IvoaValidatorsSummary_ ||| | | | | | | *Ops 2: Operational Status. Fri Apr 29, 20:30-21:30 UTC (Session #23)* ||| | *Speaker* | *Title* | *Materials* | | Mark Taylor | Introduction and progress | | | Raffaele D'Abrusco | The VO at the Chandra X-Ray Center | | | Renaud Savalle | PADC Weather Report | | | Renaud Savalle | PADC Web Validators | | ---++ Abstracts <dl> <dt><b>Markus Demleitner: "Requirements and Validators"</b></dt> <dd>Based on experiences with the evolution of VO standards, this talk will suggest criteria when a standard ought to introduce MUST-type requirements on implementations and when it perhaps should not. I hope to show that there is a strong link between whether some constraint should be posed by a standard and whether that constraint can (and indeed must) be validated. </dd> <dt><b>Raffele D'Abrusco: "The Virtual Observatory at the Chandra X-Ray Center: past, current and future"</b></dt> <dd>The Chandra X-ray Center (CXC) has a long history of direct involvement with the implementation and development of VO standards and protocols. In this talk, I will describe the array of IVOA interfaces currently maintained by the CXC and provide usage statistics. I will also mention future plans and some of the lessons learned along the way. </dd> </dl>
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r3 - 2022-04-11 - MarkTaylor
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