At this interop the theory interest group will have one session, shared with the grid and web services working group. The session will be Wed April 27, 22:00 UTC.

This will be a brainstorming session focused on defining and getting buy-in on some concrete projects supporting the analysis of what we call cosmological simulations (those that represent and evolve a volume in 3+1 dimensional space-time, whatever its spatial size) on what we have called science platforms (for examples of these look at contributions to the mini workshop during the IVOA interop about a year ago

Within the IVOA context the overarching goal should be to find common practices that could lead to a definition of what constitute interoperability of science platforms.

Such projects would (likely) include hosting simulation data on at least one such science platform, having server-side analysis capabilities near the data, possibly providing search capabilities through a database designed according to the simulation data model (a “SimDB”) with metadata about these simulations.

The session will have a short introduction by GerardLemson proposing the discussion topics.

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > WebPreferences > ProgramPrepVirtualApr2022 > InterOpApr2022 > InterOpApr2022Theory
Topic revision: r1 - 2022-04-20 - GerardLemson
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