<H1><nop>IVOA Interoperability meeting</H1> <H3> Dec 7-11, 2010: Nara, Japan</H3> --- %TOC% --- ---+++ Local Organization Please find detailed information at [[http://jvo.nao.ac.jp/InterOpNara//][the meeting webpage]]. ---+++ Updates ---+++ Programme *Meeting Schedule: FINAL 20101202 UPDATED 20101206* * *Note: Interop will finish by noon on Sat 11 December* * *Note: New start time of 09.30 on Fri 10 December* | *Session* | *Time* | *Room* | *Session* | *Notes* | | *Monday December 6 2010* ||||| | | 09.30-16.30 | Asu-nara Room %BR% Nikko Nara Hotel | [[TCGMeeting20101206][IVOA TCG Meeting]] | TCG | | | 17.0019.00 | Asu-nara Room %BR% Nikko Nara Hotel | [[IvoaExecMeetingFM38][IVOA Exec Meeting]] | Exec + TCG | | *Tuesday December 7 2010* ||||| | | 10.0010.30 | 1+2 | Registration | | | ** ||||| | 1 | 10.3010.45 | 1+2 | Welcome and Logistics | TBD | | ^ | 10.4511.10 | ^ | [[%ATTACHURL%/Status_IVOA_Padovani_Dec_2010.pdf][State of the IVOA]] | Paolo Padovani | | ^ | 11.1012.00 | ^ | State of the TCG [[%ATTACHURL%/20101207StateoftheTCG.pdf][(PDF, ]] [[%ATTACHURL%/20101207StateoftheTCG.ppt][PPT)]]| Christophe Arviset | | ^ | 12.0012.30 | ^ | Committee on Science Priorities: Report | Mark Allen | | ** ||||| | | __12.3013.30__ | __Lunch__ ||| | ** ||||| | 2 | 13.30-14.30 | 1+2 | Charge to Working Groups | [[PlenarySessionsDec2010][Plenary Session Agenda]] | | ^ | 14.3016.00 | ^ | [[InterOpDec2010DAL][DAL-1]] | | | ^ | ^ | 3 | [[InterOpDec2010Reg][Registry-1]] | | | ^ | ^ | 4 | CSP | CSP members only | | ** ||||| | | __16.0016.30__ | __Break__ ||| | ** ||||| | 3 | 16.3018.00 | 1+2 | [[InterOpDec2010Applications][Applications-1]] | | | *Wednesday December 8 2010* ||||| | 4 | 09.0010.30 | 1+2 | [[SedPage][Science-Cases: SED]] | | | ** ||||| | | __10.3011.00__ | __Break__ ||| | ** ||||| | 5 | 11.0012.30 | 1+2 | [[InterOpDec2010Applications][Science-Cases: <nop>ObsTAP, Target Search]] | | | ** ||||| | | __12.3014.00__ | __Lunch__ ||| | ** ||||| | 6 | 14.0015.30 | 1+2 | [[InterOpDec2010DAL][Reg/DAL Joint Session]] | | | ^ | ^ | 3 | [[InterOpDec2010Theory][Theory-1]] | | | ^ | ^ | 4 | [[InterOpDec2010DCP][DCP]] | | | ** ||||| | | __15.3016.00__ | __Break__ ||| | ** ||||| | 7 | 16.0017.30 | 1+2 | [[InterOpDec2010Applications][Applications-2]] | | | *Thursday December 9 2010* ||||| | 8 | 09.0010.30 | 3 | [[InterOpDec2010DataModel][DM-1]] | | | ** ||||| | | __10.3011.00__ | __Break__ ||| | ** ||||| | 9 | 11.0012.30 | 3 | [[InterOpDec2010DataModel][DM-2]] | | | ^ | ^ | 4 | [[InterOpDec2010GWS][GWS-1]] | | | ** ||||| | | __12.3014.00__ | __Lunch__ ||| | | 12.3014:00 | 4 | IVOA Exec Meeting | Exec only | | ** ||||| | | 18.30 | __Banquet Dinner: [[http://www9.plala.or.jp/nara-kazika/menu/][Kajika]]__ ||| | *Friday December 10 2010* ||||| | 10 | 09.3009.45 | 1+2 | VOFrontrow: The Virtual Astronomical Observatory | Bob Hanisch | | ^ | 09.4510.00 | ^ | VOFrontrow: Report of the High Level Expert Group on Scientific Data | Francoise Genova | | ^ | 10.0010.15 | ^ | VOFrontrow: VAMDC Update and Status | Asif Akram | | ^ | 10.1510.30 | ^ | VOFrontrow: VO-science in the framework of the Consolider-GTC project | Enrique Solano | | ** ||||| | | __10.3011.00__ | __Break__ ||| | ** ||||| | 11 | 11.0012.30 | 3 | [[InterOpDec2010Theory][Theory-2]] | | | ^ | ^ | 4 | [[InterOpDec2010GWS][GWS-2]] | | | ** ||||| | | __12.3014.00__ | __Lunch__ ||| | ** ||||| | 12 | 14.0015.30 | 3 | [[InterOpDec2010DAL][DAL-2]] | | | ^ | ^ | 4 | [[InterOpDec2010Semantics][Semantics]] | | | ** ||||| | | __15.3016.00__ | __Break__ ||| | ** ||||| | 13 | 16.0017.30 | 3 | [[InterOpDec2010VOEvent][VOevent]] | | | ^ | ^ | 4 | [[InterOpDec2010Theory][Theory/DAL Joint Session]] | | | ^ | ^ | 1+2 | [[InterOpDec2010Reg][Registry-2]] | | | *Saturday December 11 2010* ||||| | 14 | 09.0011.00 | 1+2 | WG/IG session summaries | [[PlenarySessionsDec2010][Plenary Session Agenda]] | | ^ | 11.00-11.20 | ^ | Science Inputs: Assessment | __TBD__ | | ^ | 11.2011.40 | ^ | Closing Remarks | Paolo Padovani | | ** ||||| ---++++ Meeting room and logistic information * The meeting will use rooms 1 through 4. Rooms 1 and 2 are located on the ground floor, and rooms 3 and 4 are on the first floor. The capacities are 108, 60, 108 and 60, respectively. Rooms 1 and 2 can be jointly used to accommodate 168 people. Rooms 3 and 4 can be jointly used, too. See the details from here: http://www.shinkokaido.jp/english/index.html * Plenary sessions will be held in the combined Room1+2 * Lunches: the venue has a restaurant, there are also alternative options for lunch with in walking distance of the venue. * Note: the Exec and TCG meeting will be held at ASUNARA room in the Hotel Nikko Nara as the main venue is closed 6 Dec 2010. * ASUNARA Convention Room (Hotel Nikko Nara, 2nd Floor, West Exit of JR Nara Station), 8-1 Sanjo-Hommachi, Nara City, Nara 630-8122, Japan, Phone: +81 (0) 742 1525 or +81 (0) 742 35 8831 ---+++ Hotel Booking Information Visit at this page https://apollon.nta.co.jp/ivoa2010/ ---+++ Banquet Information The banquet will be held on December 9th at a Japanese restauraunt, Kajika ( http://www9.plala.or.jp/nara-kazika/, Japanese only !), with the fee of JPY 3000 (reduced from the former fee of JPY 6000). Transportation between the hotels arranged by the agency and the restauraunt will be provided. ---+++ Location Notes The meeting will take place at the Nara Prefectural New Public Hall (http://www.shinkokaido.jp/english/index.html) which was constructed in 1987 in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Nara Prefecture. It is located in the center of Nara National Park, which is famous for its beauty and 1,200 tame deer. ---+++ Registration and Participants List Registration can be made through https://apollon.nta.co.jp/ivoa2010/ and the list of participants can be found at http://jvo.nao.ac.jp/InterOpNara/list_latest.htm ---+++ Travel Travel information can be found at http://jvo.nao.ac.jp/InterOpNara/venue-travel.html#travel ---+++ Electricity 100 V / 60 Hz, two pins (same as the US type) ---+++ Visas If you need the entry visa to Japan, please contact Masatoshi Ohishi (masatoshi.ohishi@nao.ac.jp) IMMEDIATELY. The details of the Japanese visa, please visit at http://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/visa/index.html . ---+++ ATMs When you need cash in Japanese, it is suggested to visit at ''convenience stores'' such as 7-ELEVEN or LAWSON. More detailed information can be found at http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/arrange/essential/money.html . There are several ATM machines near the JR Nara station ( http://gis.e-map.ne.jp/standard/12300010/index.htm?id=000000011267921 ) and Kintetsu Nara station ( http://gis.e-map.ne.jp/standard/12300010/index.htm?id=000000152030012 ), and an ATM machine map for Lawson is found at http://www.lawson-atm.com/index.php?m=pc&a=shop_data&shop=3799 . <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r46 - 2010-12-07 - ChristopheArviset
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