---+ <nop>IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting ---++!! June 14, 2015 - Sesto, Italy <h3> --- %TOC% --- </h3> ---++ Local Arrangements The meeting will be held in the Sport & Kurhotel in Bad Moos. ---++ Meeting Minutes and Actions Notes and actions from the meeting can be found here. ---++ Meeting Agenda | *Time* | *Topic* | *Notes* | | 09:30–09:45 | Welcome, Logistics, Meeting Objectives | | | 09:45–10:00 | Review of action items from previous meeting | [[http://wiki.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/IvoaTCG/2015-05-12_TCG_Minutes_v2.pdf][Minutes]] | | 10:00–10:30 | Status of Standards in REC process | | | | %BULLET% Spectral DM 2.0 | | | | %BULLET% SIA 2.0 | | | 10:30–11:00 | Status of standards impacting various WG/IG | | | | %BULLET% Multi-dimensional data: !ObsCore 1.1, SIA 2.0, !AccessData 1.0, !ImageDM 1.0 | | | | %BULLET% Utypes: VO-DML, Mapping, VOTable | | | 11:00–11:30 | General TCG discussions | | | | %BULLET% !InterOp programme review | | | | %BULLET% Validators in general | | | | %BULLET% Data models: reference implementation and validation (OL) | | | __11:30–12:30__ | __Break & Lunch__ | | | 12:30–15:30 | General TCG discussions (continued) | | | | %BULLET% IVOA web asset issues (MM and Giulia Iafrate) | [[http://www.ivoa.net/documents/Notes/WebAssets][WebAssets]] | | | %BULLET% List moderations issues (MM and and Giulia Iafrate) | | | | %BULLET% Volute replacement (MD) | | | | %BULLET% IVOA schema evolution (AS) | | | | %BULLET% Errata (MD) | | | | %BULLET% Review of "Publishing in the VO" page | | | | %BULLET% !RoadMap 2015A | | | __15.30–16.00__ | __Break__ | | | 16.00–18.00 | Exec meeting | | | ** ||| ---++ Participants | *Name* | *WG/IG* | *Present* | | Séverin | TCG | yes | | Matthew | TCG | | | Pierre F | Apps | yes | | Tom | Apps | | | François | DAL | yes | | Marco | DAL | | | Jesus | DM | | | Omar | DM | yes | | André | GWS | yes | | Brian | GWS | yes | | Markus | Registry | | | Pierre LS | Registry | yes | | Norman | Semantics | | | Mireille | Semantics | yes | | Françoise | DCP & SP | | | Massimo | Education | | | Sudhanshu | Education | | | George | KDD | | | Tom | Ops | | | Franck | Theory | | | Rick | Theory | | | John | Time Domain | yes | | Mike | Time Domain | | | Christophe | Exec | | | Enrique | Exec | | | Mark A | CSP | no, my apologies | | ** ||| <br /> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r8 - 2015-06-13 - OmarLaurino
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