Time |
Activity |
Comments |
10:00 |
Intro/goals |
review agenda |
10:15 |
Scope/Priorities/Architecture |
what standards are needed; common elements, protocols |
11:00 |
11:30 |
Spectral data access |
use cases, priorities; image model versus simple 1D spectrum; FITS versus XML/VOtable |
13:00 |
14:00 |
SIA V2 |
update on Aladin/CDS integration; priorities for SIA V2 |
15:00 |
Roadmap |
roadmap for the next year; what projects are needed |
15:30 |
16:00 |
Roadmap |
use cases, requirements; standards efforts; test cases, demos; standardization process |
17:00 |
A summary and discussion of DAL/SIA will take place in the morning
plenary session on Friday.
Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions
Status May 14, noon ...
Selected Reading Materials
Announcement of DAL WG Meeting
Spectral Data Models, Jonathan McDowell, Steve Lowe, SAO (.pdf)
Incorporating Spectra in the Next Phase of the VO, Francisco Valdes
additional remarks from Anita Richard
A Virtual Observatory Data Model, Francisco Valdes
Generic spectral data structures (Ivo Busko, .pdf)
addendum to above
Specs for SED plotter of AVO prototype
Call for proposals for SIAP Version 2
SIAP Extension Requirements, Arnold Rots, SAO
SIAP Extension Proposal, Steve Lowe (.pdf)
Indexing and Searching Distributed Astronomical Data Archives, R. E. Jackson
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Topic revision: r14 - 2003-05-16 - DougTody