Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted ascending Date Who Comment
PowerPointppt rwp02_plenary.ppt r1 manage 35.5 K 2003-06-01 - 15:40 MarkAllen RWP02 plenary session presentation
Microsoft Word filedoc RegistrySessionHighlights.doc r1 manage 36.0 K 2003-05-14 - 16:38 MarcoLeoni Items from Registry sessions
PowerPointppt rwp02_wg.ppt r1 manage 46.5 K 2003-06-01 - 15:39 MarkAllen RWP02 work group presentation
PDFpdf RegistrySessionHighlights.pdf r1 manage 60.1 K 2003-05-14 - 16:56 MarcoLeoni Items from Registry sessions (pdf)
PowerPointppt RegistryIVOA_12052003.ppt r1 manage 116.5 K 2003-05-14 - 11:37 WilliamOMullane Slides on NVO registry prototype
PDFpdf RWP04plenaryPresentation.pdf r1 manage 157.5 K 2003-05-16 - 11:15 KeithNoddle RWP04 plenary presentation
PDFpdf RWP04presentation.pdf r1 manage 249.5 K 2003-05-16 - 11:15 KeithNoddle RWP04 work group presentation
PDFpdf STCdoc.pdf r1 manage 399.2 K 2003-05-14 - 11:56 ArnoldRots Space-Time Coordinate metadata schema description
PowerPointppt VOResource.ppt r1 manage 426.5 K 2003-05-14 - 16:30 RayPlante VOResource Metadata as XML Schema
PowerPointppt RWP03plenaryPresentation.ppt r1 manage 432.0 K 2003-05-20 - 15:41 RayPlante Registry Metadata Plenary Presentation

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaEvents > InterOpMay2003 > InterOpMay2003ResReg
Topic revision: r17 - 2003-06-01 - MarkAllen
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