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PDFpdf FB-SIAP2.pdf r1 manage 24.3 K 2004-05-22 - 04:24 DougTody Proposed Extension to SIA (F. Bonnarel)
PDFpdf PO-SIAP2.pdf r1 manage 53.9 K 2004-05-22 - 04:25 DougTody Proposed Extensions to SIA (P. Osuna)
PDFpdf sia-v11-lname.pdf r1 manage 96.9 K 2004-05-22 - 04:18 DougTody SIA V1.1 Logical Name Proposal by R.Williams
PDFpdf spec2.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 150.4 K 2004-05-22 - 16:20 DougTody SSA Data Model V0.5
PDFpdf ssa-interface.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 112.8 K 2004-05-22 - 06:51 DougTody SSA Interface Summary
PDFpdf ssademo.pdf r1 manage 1859.9 K 2004-05-22 - 23:51 MarkusDolensky Spectrum Access Demo (M. Dolensky)
PowerPointppt ssademo.ppt r1 manage 683.5 K 2004-05-22 - 23:54 MarkusDolensky Spectrum Access Demo (M. Dolensky)

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaEvents > InterOpMay2004 > InterOpMay2004DAL
Topic revision: r8 - 2004-05-23 - DougTody
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