---+ Presentation Notes Notes by MCH on Jonathon <noop>MacDowell's presentation ---++ SED Model: This is a pre-Observation model so we can get on with SSA before the Observation model is ready. We need to make sure it converges with Observation rather than diverges as they develop. ---+++ Accuracy To be expanded later. A placeholder for now. For the <noop>SEDCoord, need pixellation, resolution and error (incl limits and systematic errors). Probably need to combine Flux Accuracy with <noop>SpectralCoord Accuracy (? If I have this right). Resolution is going to be complicated. ---+++ Quality * For now, 0=good, 1-2=Something else * To be set by data provider * Extend later ---+++ Flux (also includes background now) Some 'brightness' types are not intended to be modelled; it's up to the data provider to provide some flux value (or a johnson magnitude or similarly convertable type) with appropriate accuracy. _[MCH: Could <noop>DataID be represented by VOResource?]_ ---+++ Corrections & Processes applied Requests for some 'history' record of what processes have been applied in what order. _[MCH: Perhaps add a set of 'history' objects, eg De-Reddening. Needs to be applied to Flux, Coordinates and perhaps overall.]_ -- IVOA.MartinHill - 25 May 2004 <br><br><br> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
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Topic revision: r1 - 2004-05-25 - MartinHill
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