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registry mail archive
Wednesday May 26, 2004: Morning session
RM & Schema updates
Presenter |
Topic |
Bob Hanisch |
RM update |
Ray Plante |
IVOA Identifiers update |
Ray Plante |
Resource Schema update (incl subs.grp/type) |
Paul Harrison |
Application resource schema in AstroGrid |
Thursday May 27, 2004: Morning session
Registry Interface
Presenter |
Topic |
Ray Plante |
OAI-based harvesting |
Kevin Benson |
Registry Interface spec |
Gretchen Green |
Searchable Registry in NVO |
Kevin Benson |
XQuery-based searching in AstroGrid |
Matthew Graham |
XQuery-based searching at Caltech |
Thursday May 27, 2004: Afternoon session
Other issues & Signoff
Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions
NicholasWalton - 04 May 2004
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Topic revision: r3 - 2004-05-18 - TonyLinde