*Links:* IvoaTheory :: [[http://www.ivoa.net/forum/theory/][Theory mail archive]] --- ---+ InterOpMay2004 Theory Interest Group --- %TOC% --- ---++ Timetable 1 Review foundation Theory IG * History * Whitepaper * Charter, discussion * IVOA Twiki pages 2 Relation to working groups, 10-15 minute presentations * DM : Jonathan <nop>McDowell * Registry : Bob Hanisch * Application : Tom <nop>McGlynn * Not here: DAL, UCD, others ? 3 Concrete TVO efforts, 10-15 minute presentations * NVO : Dave De Young * <nop>AstroGrid : Nic Walton * VO France : Francoise Genova * GAVO : Gerard Lemson * Some others 4 Discussion/planning * Use cases !!! * How to contact and enthuse astronomical community * WG involvement: where/how should TIG be involved * Define demo(s), who volunteers to implement then ? * Roadmap, dates: next interop in India Sep/Oct 2004, Jan 2005 --- ---++ Presentation materials * ... --- ---++ Reading material and some TVO-like links * [[http://ivoa.net/pub/papers/TheoryInTheVO.pdf][Theory in the VO whitepaper]] * [[http://bima.astro.umd.edu/nemo/tvo/nvodemo2004/][NVO demo]] * [[http://www.manybody.org/modest/][MODEST]] * [[http://galics.iap.fr/main_frames.php?dir=database][GalICS]] * [[http://cosmolab.cineca.it/][Cosmo.lab]] --- -- IVOA.GerardLemson - 22 May 2004 <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r2 - 2004-05-22 - GerardLemson
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