Links: IvoaTheory ::
Theory mail archive
- Review foundation Theory IG
- History
- Whitepaper
- Charter, discussion
- IVOA Twiki pages
- Relation to working groups, 10-15 minute presentations
- DM : Jonathan McDowell
- Registry : Bob Hanisch
- Application : Tom McGlynn
- Not here: DAL, UCD, others ?
- Concrete TVO efforts, 10-15 minute presentations
- NVO : Dave De Young
- AstroGrid : Nic Walton
- VO France : Francoise Genova
- GAVO : Gerard Lemson
- Some others
- Discussion/planning
- Use cases !!!
- How to contact and enthuse astronomical community
- WG involvement: where/how should TIG be involved
- Define demo(s), who volunteers to implement then ?
- Roadmap, dates: next interop in India Sep/Oct 2004, Jan 2005
Presentation materials
Reading material and some TVO-like links
GerardLemson - 22 May 2004
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InterOpMay2004 > InterOpMay2004Theory
Topic revision: r3 - 2004-08-23 - FrancoiseGenova