Time: Tuesday May 17, 14:00-17:30
This session allows users and developers of VO software applications
to describe, discuss and demonstrate new VO software libraries, tools and applications. In addition to the presentations below there should be time for impromptu talks and demonstrations by others interested in the latest VO software. Presentations are nominally 10-15 minutes.
- Francois Ochsenbein (CDS): Aladin: New capabilities in Version 3
- Mark Taylor (Bristol University): STILTS and related tools
- Maria Nieto-Santisteban (JHU): VO Applications at JHU: Open SkyQuery and More.
- Francoise Genova (CDS): A VOTable Application: Solar System Objects in the VO. A collaboration between the IMCCE and CDS.
- Mike Fitzpatrick (NOAO): Integrating the VO into IRAF
- Pedro Osuna (ESA): VOSpec and SSAP services
- John Good (IPAC): ROME and Image Mosaicking Services
- Other topics for discussion