<H1>InterOpMay2005 Data Models</H1> --- %TOC% --- <br/> ---++ Participants ---++ Timetable Proposed timetable | *Time* | *Work Pkg* | *Content* | *Speaker* | | *DM1* | | Joint with DAL | Doug Tody et al| | *DM2* | | | | | 14:00 | Char | Characterization | Mireille Louys | | 15:00 | Char | XML and VOTABLE | Francois Bonnarel | | 15:30 | | Break | | | 16:00 | 3D | 3D IFU data | Igor C. | | 16:30 | - | Ontologies | Norman Gray| | 16:45 | - | UML to XML | Gerard Lemson| | *DM3* | | | | | 09:00 | UCD | Joint with UCD | Andrea P-M| | 10:30| Break | | | | 11:00 | Catalogs | Status on Catalogs | Pedro Osuna| | 11:30 | STC | STC status | Arnold Rots | | 12:00 | - | Roadmap | Jonathan | | 12:30 | End | | | ---++ Materials and notes from the work group and plenary sessions --- <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r3 - 2005-05-16 - JonathanMcDowell
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