<H1><nop>IVOA Interoperability meeting</H1> <H3>19-23 May 2008: [[http://www.promotrieste.it/promotrieste.aspx][Stazione Marittima]], Trieste, ITALY</H3> <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/Interop08_liner_small.jpg" alt="InterOpMay2008-logo" align="center" /> --- %TOC% * [[http://www.si.inaf.it/ivoa_interop_2008/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=12&Itemid=26][Location]] * [[http://www.si.inaf.it/ivoa_interop_2008/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14&Itemid=28][Accomodation]] * [[http://www.si.inaf.it/ivoa_interop_2008/index.php?option=com_facileforms&Itemid=42][Registration]] * [[http://www.si.inaf.it/ivoa_interop_2008/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=15&Itemid=39][Travel]] * [[http://www.si.inaf.it/ivoa_interop_2008/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=24&Itemid=38][Visas]] * [[http://www.si.inaf.it/ivoa_interop_2008/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=22&Itemid=36][Trieste info]] * [[http://www.si.inaf.it/ivoa_interop_2008/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=27&Itemid=44][Electricity]] --- ---+++ Meeting Web site Detailed information is available at [[http://www.si.inaf.it/ivoa_interop_2008/][the meeting webpage]]. ---+++ Important Dates Start registration: 29 March 2008 End registration: 9 May 2008 ---+++ Overview The May 08 Interop meeting will be held from May 18th to 23rd at the main congress centre in Trieste, the Stazione Marittima building, conveniently located on the waterfront in the centre of town ( [[http://www.promotrieste.it/pdf/depliant.pdf][glossy info]] ). <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/primopiano.jpg" alt="InterOpMay2008-rooms" align="center" /> The Interop will be held on the first floor of the building: with reference to the floor map on the left, the Oceania A+B+C room (275 seats) will host the plenary sessions, Oceania A+B (120 seats), Vulcania1 (130 seats) and Vulcania2 (35 seats) will be used for splinter sessions and group meetings. Wi-fi will be available in all these rooms. Other rooms (25-35 seats) may be available upon request for separate meetings. Coffee breaks will be served in the bar; for the lunches, it will be necessary to make one's own arrangements. <br> ------- <br> ---+++ Program *Final Program* The general meeting will begin at 09.00 on the Monday and close at 15.40 on the Friday. | *Date* | *Time* | *Place* | *Activity* | *Comments* | | *Sun 18 May 2008* | | | | | | | 18.00-20.00 | Vulcania 2 |IVOA Exec Meeting | Exec Only | | *Mon 19 May 2008* | | | | | | | 08.30-09.00 | Hall | Registration | | | | 09.00-09.05 | Oceania ABC | Welcome and Logistics | Fabio Pasian | | | 09.05-09.30 | Oceania ABC | State of the IVOA |Dave De Young | | | 09.30-09.50 | Oceania ABC | [[http://www.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/InterOpMay2008/stateTCG.ppt][State of the TCG]] |Roy Williams | | | 09.50-10.10 | Oceania ABC | [[%ATTACHURL%/Capria_IPDA_IVOA.ppt][The International Planetary Data Alliance]] | M.Teresa Capria | | | 10.10-10.30 | Oceania ABC | [[%ATTACHURL%/Messerotti_VOSTP.pdf][The VO Scenario for Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics]] | Mauro Messerotti | | | 10.30-11.00 | | __Coffee__ | | | | 11.00-12.05 | Oceania ABC | [[InterOpSep2008Plenary][Charge to the working groups]] | Plenary | | | 12.05-14.30 | | __Lunch__ | | | | 14.30-16.00 | | WG parallel sessions 1 | | | | | Ocean AB | DM/VOQL/VOTable: Units, UFI, UTYPES|InterOpMay2008DataModels | | | | Vulcania 1 | Registry: Integration and Interoperability | InterOpMay2008ResReg | | | 16.00-16.30 | | __Coffee__ | | | | 16.30-18.00 | | WG parallel sessions 2 | | | | | Ocean AB | Apps: SAMP1 | InterOpMay2008Applications#SAMP_Sessions | | | | Vulcania 1 | Semantics: Vocabularies and matching | InterOpMay2008Semantics | | *Tue 20 May 2008* | | | | | | | 09.00-10.30 | | WG parallel sessions 3 | | | | | Ocean AB | DAL: TAP | [[InterOpMay2008DAL][DAL Sessions]] | | | | Vulcania 1 | Semantics: Ontologies and use cases| InterOpMay2008Semantics | | | 10.30-11.00 | | __Coffee__ | | | | 11.00-12.30 | | WG parallel sessions 4 | | | | | Ocean AB | Apps: Applications 1 |InterOpMay2008Applications | | | | Vulcania 1 |Reg: Registry Extension | InterOpMay2008ResReg | | | 12.30-14.20 | | __Lunch__ | | | | 14.25 | | __Group photo__ | | | | 14.30-16.00 | | WG parallel sessions 5 | | | | | Ocean AB | Special: KML for Astronomy | InterOpMay2008KML| | | | Vulcania 1 |AstroRG/GWS: Grid Activities | InterOpMay2008GridAndWebServices| | | 16.00-16.30 | | __Coffee__ | | | | 16.30-18.00 | | WG parallel sessions 6 | | | | | Ocean AB | Apps: Applications 2 | InterOpMay2008Applications | | | | Vulcania 1 | Theory: Micro-simulations and Semantics | InterOpMay2008Theory | | | 19.30-23.00 | | Banquet| Buses pick up participants near Congress Hall | | *Wed 21 May 2008* | | | | | | | 09.00-10.30 | | WG parallel sessions 7 | | | | | Ocean AB |VOQL: Presentation on ADQL document |[[ADQLv2RFC][RFC Page]] | | | | Vulcania 1 |Apps: SAMP2 | InterOpMay2008Applications#SAMP_Sessions | | | 10.30-11.00 | | __Coffee__ | | | | 11.00-12.30 | | WG parallel sessions 8 | | | | | Ocean AB | DAL: TAP (cont.) | [[InterOpMay2008DAL][DAL Sessions]] | | | | Vulcania 1 | VOEvent: Registration and Signatures| InterOpMay2008VOEvent| | | 12.30-14.30 | | __Lunch__ | | | | | Vulcania 2 |IVOA Exec Lunch Meeting | Exec Only | | | 14.30-16.00 | Vulcania 1 | Special: "Multi-disciplinary" Meeting | InterOpMay2008MultiDisciplinary | | | 14.30-17.30 | | Sightseeing tour | Guide picks up participants in front of Congress Hall | | *Thu 22 May 2008* | | | | | | | 09.00-10.30 | | WG parallel sessions 9 | | | | | Ocean AB | DM: On-going DMs |InterOpMay2008DataModels | | | | Vulcania 1 | GWS: VOSpace| InterOpMay2008GridAndWebServices | | | 10.30-11.00 | | __Coffee__ | | | | 11.00-12.30 | | WG parallel sessions 10 | | | | | Ocean AB | DAL: S*AP and Footprint | [[InterOpMay2008DAL][DAL Sessions]] | | | | Vulcania 1 | GWS: Web Service Interoperability| InterOpMay2008GridAndWebServices| | | | Vulcania 2 |Theory: SNAP |InterOpMay2008Theory | | | 12.30-14.30 | | __Lunch__ | | | | 14.30-16.00 | | WG parallel sessions 11 | | | | | Ocean AB | Apps: Applications 3 | InterOpMay2008Applications | | | | Vulcania 1 | VOEvent: VOEvent 2.0| InterOpMay2008VOEvent| | | 16.00-16.30 | | __Coffee__ | | | | 16.30-18.00 | | WG parallel sessions 12 | | | | | Ocean AB | DAL/GWS/Registry: VOSI | InterOpMay2008GridAndWebServices| | | | Vulcania 1 | Semantics/VOEvent: Vocabularies and UCDs| InterOpMay2008Semantics | | | 18.30-19.30 | | [[http://www.si.inaf.it/ivoa_interop_2008/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=29&Itemid=47][Concert]] | followed by reception (light buffet) | | *Fri 23 May 2008* | | | | | | | 09.00-10.30 | | WG parallel sessions 13 | | | | | Ocean AB | DCP: Summary of activities | InterOpMay2008DCP | | | | Vulcania 1 | Registry: Future Directions | InterOpMay2008ResReg | | | 10.30-11.00 | | __Coffee__ | | | | 11.00-11.15 | Ocean AB | DAL: TAP | Plenary | | | 11.15-12.45 | | WG parallel sessions 14 | | | | | Ocean AB | DM: Practical use of DM |InterOpMay2008DataModels | | | | Vulcania 1 | GWS: Integration and Interoperability| InterOpMay2008GridAndWebServices| | | 12.45-14.30 | | __Lunch__ | | | | 14.30-15.35 | Oceania ABC| [[InterOpSep2008Plenary][WG/IG session summaries ]]| Plenary | | | 15.35-15.40 | Oceania ABC| Baltimore Interop | Bob Hanisch | | | 15.40-15.45 |Oceania ABC|Closing Remarks | Dave De Young | | | 15.45 | | __CLOSE__ | | ------- ---+++ Contribution | [[%ATTACHURL%/Olga_Triest_2008_05_01.ppt][Russian Astronomical Data Internet Resources: Present State]] | Olga Dluzhnevskaya, Dana Kovaleva, Oleg Malkov | ------- ---+++ Participants The list of registered participants can be found [[http://www.si.inaf.it/ivoa_interop_2008/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=17&Itemid=31][here]] Most of them may be spotted in the picture below, taken at the Interop venue <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/participants_Interop_May08_small.jpg" alt="InterOpMay2008-participants" align="center" /> A higher resolution image can be found [[%ATTACHURL%/participants_Interop_May08.jpg][here]] <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r54 - 2008-05-23 - BobHanisch
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