<small>Jumps: IvoaResReg :: [[http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/][registry mail archive]] :: ResourceMetadata :: [[VOResource]] :: VODataService :: RegistryInterface <br> Meetings: InterOpMay2008ResReg :: InterOpSep2007ResReg :: InterOpMay2007ResReg </small> ---+ Registry Sessions at the May 2008 Interoperability Meeting Moderator: Aurelien Stebe %TOC% ---++ Plenary 1 (Monday, 11.00) %TABLE{sort="off" tableborder="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" valign="top" databg="none" headerbg="#FFFF99" headercolor="#000000" headeralign="center"}% | *Topic* | *Presenter* | *Materials* | | Status & Goals | Aurelien Stebe | [[%ATTACHURL%/IVOAMay08RWGPlenary1.ppt][ppt]] | ---++ Reg 1: Integration and Interoperability (Monday, 14.30) In this session we will discuss any remaining issues related to our transition to the v1.0 Registry Interfaces standard. If you would like to formally present a report or raise issues, please add your name to the agenda below. %TABLE{sort="off" tableborder="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" valign="top" databg="none" headerbg="#FFFF99" headercolor="#000000" headeralign="center"}% | *Topic* | *Presenter* | *Materials* | | Astrogrid status | Kevin Benson | [[%ATTACHURL%/Trieste_IVOA.pdf][pdf]] | | ... | | | ---++++ Notes ---++ Reg 2: Registry Extensions (Tuesday, 11.00) In this session we will primarily discuss the standardization of various registry extension schemas, primarily VODataService and VOStandard. Revisions to VODataService will require an uprev of the schema to version 1.1, so we will also discuss if there are any issues supporting v1.0 and v1.1 simultaneously. %TABLE{sort="off" tableborder="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" valign="top" databg="none" headerbg="#FFFF99" headercolor="#000000" headeralign="center"}% | *Topic* | *Presenter* | *Materials* | | Intro, versioning schemas | Aurelien Stebe | | | VODataService | Guy Rixon | | | ... | | | ---++++ Notes ---++ Joint Session: VOSI (Thursday, 16.30) See the [[InterOpMay2008GridAndWebServices][Grid and WebServices page]] ---++ Reg 3: Future Directions (Friday, 9.00) %TABLE{sort="off" tableborder="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" valign="top" databg="none" headerbg="#FFFF99" headercolor="#000000" headeralign="center"}% | *Topic* | *Presenter* | *Materials* | | Controlled Vocabularies with Registries | Norman Gray | | | Future of ADQL for Registries | Aurelien Stebe | | | Alternate Response Formats | Gretchen Greene | | | ... | | | ---++++ Notes <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r3 - 2008-05-22 - AurelienStebe
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