<H1><nop>IVOA Interoperability meeting</H1> <H3> 24-29 May, 2009: Strasbourg, France</H3> --- %TOC% --- ---+++ Meeting Web site http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/interop2009/index.html ---+++ Programme *Meeting Schedule* The general meeting will begin at 09.00 on Monday and close at 11.30 on Friday. Wednesday afternoon is free. | *Time* || *Room* | *Session* | *Notes* | | *Sun May 24 2009*||||| | 16.0018.00 || Salle de réunion |IVOA Exec Meeting | Exec + WG/IG Chairs | | *Monday May 25 2009*||||| | 08.3009.00 | | Théâtre | Registration | | | 09.0009.15 | | Théâtre | Welcome and Logistics | | | 09.1509.40 | | ^ | State of the IVOA | Fabio Pasian | | 09.4010.05 | | ^ | State of the TCG | Christophe Arviset | | 10.0510.30 | | ^ | Invited Talk: VO and the Astronomy Community | Dave !DeYoung | | __10.3011.00__ | __Break @ CDE__ |||| | 11.0012.30 | | Théâtre | Charge to the working groups | | | __12.3014.00__ | __Lunch__ |||| | 14.0015.30 | (1) | Théâtre | [[200905DALSessions][DAL: TAP]] | [[200905DALSessions][DAL]] | | __15.3016.00__ | __Break @ CDE__ |||| | 16.0017.30 | (2) | Théâtre | Registry: Standards Status and Planning | | | ^ | ^ | Amphithéâtre | [[InterOpMay2009Theory][Theory: !SimDAP and S3]] | | | 17.3019.00 | | Amphithéâtre | [[InterOpMay2009EGEE][Special: Astrophysical cluster in EGEE]] | | | *Tuesday May 26 2009* ||||| | 09.0010.30 | (3) | Théâtre | VOQL | | | ^ | ^ | Amphithéâtre | [[InterOpMay2009Semantics][Semantics: Vocabularies, VOEvent, Annotation standard]] | | | __10.3011.00__ | __Break @ Observatoire__ |||| | 11.0012.30 | (4) | Théâtre | [[InterOpMay2009Applications][Applications and GWS: Enhancing applications with VOSpace]] | | | ^ | ^ | Amphithéâtre | [[InterOpMay2009Theory][Theory: !SimDB]] | | | ^ | ^ | Salle de cours | IVOA Take-Up Committee | | | __12.3014.00__ | __Lunch__ |||| | 14.0015.30 | (5) | Amphithéâtre | DM1 : !SimDB, Units, Utypes | [[DMInteropStrasbourg][DM1]] | | ^ | ^ | Salle de réunion | Registry: !VODataService and VOStandard | | | ^ | ^ | Salle de cours | IVOA Liaison Committee | | | __15.3016.00__ | __Break @ Observatoire__ |||| | 16.0017.30 | (6) | Amphithéâtre | [[200905DALSessions][DAL: S*AP]] | [[200905DALSessions][DAL]] | | ^ | ^ | Salle de réunion | [[InterOpMay2009Semantics][Semantics: Spectral classification note, Vocabularies vs. UCD, AOB]] | | | 19.00 | | __Banquet bus departs to [[http://www.losthof.fr/][LOsthof ]] (banquet dinner)__ ||| | *Wednesday May 27 2009* ||||| | 09.0010.30 | (7) | Théâtre | [[InterOpMay2009Applications][Applications: Web Applications]] | | | __10.3011.00__ | __Group Photo, Break @ CDE__ |||| | 11.0012.30 | (8) | Théâtre | [[InterOpMay2009Applications][Applications: SAMP]] | | | ^ | ^ | Amphithéâtre | DM: Observation/Provenance, Atomic and Mol. Lines, ... | [[DMInteropStrasbourg][DM2]] | | 13.0015.00 | | Salle de réunion | IVOA Exec Meeting | Exec | | *Thursday May 28 2009* ||||| | 09.0010.30 | (9) | Théâtre | [[InterOpMay2009Applications][ Applications: Standalone Applications]] | | | __10.3011.00__ | __Break @ CDE__ |||| | 11.0012.30 | (10) | Théâtre | Registry: Curation | | | ^ | ^ | Amphithéâtre | GWS: VOSpace 2.0 | | | __12.3014.00__ | __Lunch__ |||| | 14.0015.30 | (11) | Théâtre | GWS: General | | | ^ | ^ | Amphithéâtre | VOTable | | | __15.3016.00__ | __Break @ CDE__ |||| | 16.0017.30 | (12) | Théâtre | Special: Data Mining in the VO | | | *Friday May 29 2009* ||||| | 09.0010.30 | | Théâtre | WG/IG session summaries | | | __10.3010.45__ | __Break @ CDE__ |||| | 10.4511.15 | | Théâtre | WG/IG session summaries | | | 11.1511.30 | | ^ | Closing Remarks | Fabio Pasian | | ** ||||| ---++++ Rooms |* Building* | *Room* | *Capacity* | | %PUBURL%/%WEB%/DMInteropStrasbourg/CDE.jpg CDE - Collège Doctoral Européen | Théâtre | 120 | |||| | %PUBURL%/%WEB%/DMInteropStrasbourg/coupole_obs.jpg Observatoire - Grande Coupole | Amphithéâtre | 60 | | ^ | Salle de cours | 30 | | ^ | Salle de réunion | 30 | All rooms will be equipped with wireless network and power outlets. ---++++ Location Notes Observatoire de Strasbourg, France <iframe width="80%" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=fr&msa=0&msid=102355979800275130244.0004639364c1fd47d78a1&t=h&s=AARTsJoQASGRmFVIrWMvgTFG0XxcfdMbSg&ll=48.582413,7.767699&spn=0.002484,0.005043&z=17&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=fr&msa=0&msid=102355979800275130244.0004639364c1fd47d78a1&t=h&ll=48.582413,7.767699&spn=0.002484,0.005043&z=17&source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left;font-size:13px">Larger map</a></small> ---+++ Organization *LOC*: * Françoise Genova * Mark Allen * Sébastien Derrière * Thomas Boch The LOC can be contacted at *interop-loc@astro.u-strasbg.fr* ---+++ Participants http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/interop2009/participants.html Registration start : March 9<br> Registration end : May 7 ---+++ Travel <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r31 - 2009-05-20 - SeverinGaudet
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