<br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup --> ---+ Special Session: Astrophysical Cluster in EGEE [[IVOA.InterOpMay2009][May 2009 Interop Meeting Program]] <!-- (back to [[InterOpMay2009#Program][main program page]]) --> <br> ---++ Preliminary Schedule | *Speaker* | *Title* | *File* | *Time* | *Location* | | * * | * * | * * | Monday, May 25<br/>17.3019.00 | Amphithéâtre | |Claudio Vuerli<br/>Fabio Pasian |Introduction: purpose of the session | [[%ATTACHURL%/introduction.pps][pps]] | 17.30-17.35 | | | |Short reports about Grid-related activities<br/><br/><i>People who present their activity are kindly invited to prepare a couple of slides. The time allocated to each presentation is four minutes</i> | | 17.35-18.00 | | |Christophe Arviset |Grid activities at ESA/ESAC | [[%ATTACHURL%/20090525-ESACGRIDActivities.pps][pps]] | | | |Franck Le Petit |Integration of the Meudon PDR code on EGEE in preparation to HERSCHEL observations | pdf | | | |3rd Contributor |3rd Contribution | pdf | | | |4th Contributor |4th Contribution | pdf | | | |5th Contributor |5th Contribution | pdf | | | |6th Contributor |6th Contribution | pdf | | | |Claudio Vuerli<br/>Fabio Pasian |EGEE-III and EGI: current status and evolution of the Astrophysical cluster | [[%ATTACHURL%/AA-EGI-Transition.pps][pps]] | 18.00-18.15 | | |All |Discussion topics:<ul><li>EGEE and the transition to EGI</li><li>The Astronomical Community in EGI</li><li>EGEE/EGI and the Virtual Observatory</li></ul> | | 18.15-19.00 | | <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r10 - 2009-05-25 - ClaudioVuerli
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