<H1><nop>IVOA Interoperability meeting</H1> <H3> May 17-21, 2010: Victoria, Canada</H3> --- %TOC% --- ---+++ Local Organization <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/cadclogo2.gif" alt="cadclogo2.gif" width="140" height="163" /><br/><br/> * [[http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/index.html][National Research Council Canada]] / [[http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/ibp/hia.html][Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics]] / [[http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/services/hia/data-centre.html][Canadian Astronomy Data Centre]] ---+++ Updates * *The Registration Form and the Participants List can now be found on the same page [[PartList][here]]* * Rooms can now be booked before 16 May 2010 - if you run into any problems, please e-mail michael.peddle@nrc.gc.ca * [[MeetingImages][%RED% *Meeting Photos* %ENDCOLOR%]] ---+++ Programme *Preliminary Meeting Schedule* Please note the additional sessions on Wednesday afternoon. | *Session* | *Time* | *Room* | *Session* | *Notes* | | *Sunday May 16 2010* ||||| | | 16.0018.00 | Merino | [[IvoaExecMeetingFM36][IVOA Exec Meeting]] | Exec + WG/IG Chairs | | *Monday May 17 2010* ||||| | | 08.3009.00 | Spirit | Registration | | | ** ||||| | 1 | 09.0009.15 | Spirit | Welcome and Logistics | Dr. Jim Hesser, Director, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory | | ^ | ^ | ^ | ^ | David Schade | | ^ | 09.1509.40 | ^ | [[%ATTACHURL%/fpasian_IVOA-status_100517.pdf][State of the IVOA]] | Fabio Pasian | | ^ | 09.4010.30 | ^ | State of the TCG ([[%ATTACHURL%/20100517StateoftheTCG.pdf][PDF]], [[%ATTACHURL%/20100517StateoftheTCG.ppt][PPT]])| Christophe Arviset | | ** ||||| | | __10.3011.00__ | __Break__ ||| | ** ||||| | 2 | 11.0011.30 | Spirit | [[%ATTACHURL%/ivoa_hill_vso.pdf][Invited Talk: The Virtual Solar Observatory ]] | Frank Hill | | ^ | 11.3012.00 | ^ | [[%ATTACHURL%/IVOA_HDMC_SPACE.pdf][Invited Talk: Heliophysics Virtual Observatories, Registries, Data Model, and Possible IVOA Role: A Largely NASA perspective]] | Aaron Roberts | | ^ | 12.0012.20 | ^ | Take-Up and IVOA Science Priorities | Dave De Young | | ^ | 12.2012.30 | ^ | The !ObsTAP Experience | David Schade | | ** ||||| | | __12.3014.00__ | __Lunch__ ||| | ** ||||| | 3 | 14.0015.30 | Spirit | Charge to Working Groups | [[PlenarySessionsMay2010][Plenary Sessions Agenda]] | | ** ||||| | | __15.3016.00__ | __Break__ ||| | ** ||||| | 4 | 16.0017.30 | Spirit |<a class="twikiLink" href="/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2010Applications">Apps 1: Web Applications</a> | | | *Tuesday May 18 2010* ||||| | 5 | 09.0010.30 | Spirit | [[InterOpMay2010Val][Special: Validation and Verification 1]] | | | ** ||||| | | __10.3011.00__ | __Break__ ||| | ** ||||| | 6 | 11.0012.30 | Spirit |<a class="twikiLink" href="/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2010Applications"> Apps 2: Local Applications</a> | | | ^ | ^ | Merino | [[IVOA.InterOpMay2010Theory][Theory 1]]: Demos | | | ** ||||| | | __12.3014.00__ | __Lunch__ ||| | ** ||||| | 7 | 14.0015.30 | Spirit | [[InterOpMay2010Reg][Registry 1: VOResource extensions]] | | | ^ | ^ | Merino | [[InterOpMay2010KDD][Special: Topics in Knowledge Discovery in Databases]] | | | ** ||||| | | __15.3016.00__ | __Break__ ||| | ** ||||| | 8 | 16.0017.30 | Spirit | <a class="twikiLink" href="/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2010Applications">Apps 3: Outside the Astronomy Box</a> | | | ^ | ^ | Merino | [[IVOA.InterOpMay2010DM][DM 1]]: Observation Data model Core Components | | | *Wednesday May 19 2010* ||||| | 9 | 09.0009.15 | Spirit | VOFrontrow: Seamless Astronomy | Alyssa Goodman | | ^ | 09.1509.30 | ^ | VOFrontrow: VO Schools Across Europe [[%ATTACHURL%/Allen_Frontrow.pdf][(PDF)]]| Mark Allen | | ^ | 09.3009.45 | ^ | VOFrontrow: VO India | Ajit Kembhavi | | ^ | 09.4510.00 | ^ | VOFrontrow: Japanese VO | Masatoshi Ohishi | | ^ | 10.0010.15 | ^ | VOFrontrow: Canadian VO [[%ATTACHURL%/20100519CVO.pdf][(PDF)]] | Séverin Gaudet | | ^ | 10.1510.30 | ^ | VOFrontrow: !EuroVO-AIDA/WP5 | Massimo Ramella | | ** ||||| | | __10.3011.00__ | __Break__ ||| | ** ||||| | 10 | 11.0012.30 | Spirit | [[IVOA.InterOpMay2010DMDAL][DM/DAL]]: Utypes, Obs/TAP service and TAP/PQL | | | ^ | ^ | Merino | [[IVOA.InterOpMay2010VOEvent][VOEvent 1]]: Requirements from the VOEvent community | | | ** ||||| | | __12.3014.00__ | __Lunch__ ||| | | ^ | Harbour | IVOA Exec Meeting | Exec only | | ** ||||| | 11 | 14.0015.30 | Spirit | <a class="twikiLink" href="/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2010GWS">GWS 1: Current Status</a> | | | ^ | ^ | Merino | [[IVOA.InterOpMay2010Theory][Theory 2]]: Sim*, S3 and Future Plans | | | ** ||||| | | __15.3016.00__ | __Break__ ||| | ** ||||| | 12 | 16.0017.30 | Spirit | [[IVOA.InterOpMay2010DM][DM 3]]: Photometry, Characterisation v2.0, Provenance | | | ^ | ^ | Merino | [[InterOpMay2010DCP][DCP/GWS: Preservation, Linking and Storage Challenges]] | | | ** ||||| | | 17.30 | Harbour | IVOA Exec Meeting | Exec only | | *Thursday May 20 2010* ||||| | 13 | 09.0010.30 | Spirit | [[IVOA.InterOpMay2010DAL][DAL 1]]: TAP, SSAP, SIAP | | | ^ | ^ | Merino | [[IVOA.InterOpMay2010VOEvent][VOEvent 2]]: Near term plans / long term vision for the VO time domain | | | ** ||||| | | __10.3011.00__ | __Break__ ||| | ** ||||| | 14 | 11.0012.30 | Spirit | <a class="twikiLink" href="/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpMay2010GWS">GWS 2: Grid, Cloud and Workflow Experiences</a> | | | ^ | ^ | Merino | [[IVOA.InterOpMay2010Theory][DM/Theory]]: Data Model Validation, IVOA Reusable Data Types and Theory-Related Topics | | | ** ||||| | | __12.3014.00__ | __Lunch__ ||| | ** ||||| | 15 | 14.0015.30 | Spirit | [[InterOpMay2010Val][Special: Validation and Verification 2]] | | | ** ||||| | | __15.3016.00__ | __Break__ ||| | ** ||||| | 16 | 16.0017.30 | Spirit | [[InterOpMay2010Reg][Registry 2: Registry Curation and Usage]] | | | ^ | ^ | Merino | [[InteropMay2010Sem][Semantics: General Topics]] | | | ^ | ^ | Harbour | [[InterOpMay2010KDD][Special: Knowledge Discovery in Databases Interest Group Charter]] | | | ** ||||| | | 19.00 | Terrace | Banquet Dinner ||| | *Friday May 21 2010* ||||| | 17 | 09.0011.00 | Spirit | WG/IG session summaries |[[PlenarySessionsMay2010][Plenary Sessions Agenda]] | | ^ | 11.00-11.10 | ^ | [[%ATTACHURL%/IVOA_ScienceInput_May2010.pdf][Science Input]] | Paolo Padovani | | ^ | 11.1011.30 | ^ | Closing Remarks | Fabio Pasian | | ** ||||| ---+++ Hotel Booking Information * [[HotelInformation][Hotel Booking Information]] ---+++ Banquet Information * [[BanquetInformation][Banquet Information]] ---+++ Location Notes * [[HotelInformation][Hotel Information]] * [[AboutVictoria][About Victoria]] * [[AttractionsHeritageSites][Attractions and Heritage Sites]] * [[CultureEntertainment][Culture and Entertainment]] * [[RestaurantsVictoria][Restaurants Nearby]] ---+++ Registration and Participants List * [[PartList][Registration and Participants List]] ---+++ Travel * [[http://www.aircanada.com/en/home.html][Air Canada Jazz (Air Canada connector)]] * [[http://www.bcferries.com/][BC Ferries]] * [[http://www.alaskaair.com/][Horizon Air (Alaska Airlines connector)]] * [[http://www.clippervacations.com/ferry/][Clipper Ferry (Passenger ferry between Victoria and Seattle, WA)]] * [[http://cohoferry.com/main/][M.V. Coho (Auto/Passenger ferry between Victoria and Port Angeles, WA)]] * [[http://www.victoriaairport.com/index.php?pageid=1][Victoria International Airport]] * [[http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/ferries/][Washington State Ferries]] * [[http://www.westjet.com/guest/en/home.shtml][WestJet Airlines]] ---+++ Electricity Electricity in Victoria is 100 - 127 Volts, 60 Hz AC. Further information and a description of plugs can be found [[http://countrycode.org/canada][here.]] ---+++ Visas [[http://www.cic.gc.ca][Citizenship and Information Canada]] provides information on entering Canada and Visa requirements. A list of the countries requiring visas can be found [[http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/visas.asp][here]]. If a letter of invitation is required for your visa application, please send an email to michael.peddle@nrc.gc.ca including your complete mailing address. |<img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/IVOA-Interop-Logo4.png" alt="IVOA-Interop-Logo4.png" width="550" height="380" /> | | <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup --> <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup --> <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = IVOA.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r69 - 2010-05-23 - MichaelPeddle
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