Jumps: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: VOResource :: VODataService :: RegistryInterface
Meetings: InterOpMay2010 :: InterOpNov2009Reg :: InterOpMay2009ResReg :: InterOpOct2008ResReg

Registry Sessions at the May 2010 Interoperability Meeting

Moderator: Ray Plante

Plenary 1 (Monday, 9:40am)

Topic Presenter Materials

Session 1: (Tuesday, 2pm)


Topic Presenter Duration Materials


Session 2: (Thursday, 4pm)


Topic Presenter Duration Materials


Plenary 2 (Friday, 9am)

Topic Presenter Materials

This topic: IVOA > WebHome > IvoaResReg > InterOpMay2010Reg
Topic revision: r2 - 2010-05-14 - RayPlante
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