---+ Theory Sessions at the [[IVOA.InterOpMay2010][May 2010 Interop Meeting]] (back to main program page InterOpMay2010#Program) <br> ---++ Theory Session I: Theory: Service demonstrations | *Speaker* | *Title* |*File* | *Time* | *Location* | | | | |Tuesday, May 18 11.0012.30| Merino | | [[IVOA.BenjaminOoghe][Benjamin Ooghe ]] | Starformat |[[%ATTACHURL%/TBD.ppt][ppt]] | | | | [[IVOA.FranckLePetit][Franck Le Petit ]] | PDRDB |[[%ATTACHURL%/TBD.ppt][ppt]] | | | | [[IVOA.CarlosRodrigoBlanco][Carlos Rodrigo Blanco ]] | S3 Services | | | | | [[IVOA.MiguelCervino][Miguel Cervino ]] | Summary of some theoretical models already accessible in the VO | | | | | [[IVOA.PatriziaManzato][Patrizia Manzato ]] | TBD (Theory VObs.It...) | | | | ---++ Theory Session II: Theory: future directions | *Speaker* | *Title* |*File* | *Time* | *Location* | | | | |Wednesday, May 19, 14.0015.30 | Merino | |[[IVOA.HerveWozniak][Herve Wozniak ]] | Where are we ?|[[%ATTACHURL%/TBD.ppt][ppt]] | | | |[[IVOA.FranckLePetit][Franck Le Petit ]]| Vocabulary |[[%ATTACHURL%/TBD.ppt][ppt]] | | | |[[IVOA.MiguelCervino][Miguel Cervino ]] | Obervations, simulations and models: different ways to study Nature |[[%ATTACHURL%/TBD.pdf][ppt]]| | | |[[IVOA.HerveWozniak][Herve Wozniak ]] | Roadmap for the future |[[%ATTACHURL%/TBD.ppt][ppt]] | | | ---++ DM/Theory joint Session: Data Model Validation, IVOA Reusable Data Types and Theory-Related Topics | *Speaker* | *Title* |*File* | *Time* | *Location* | | | | |Thusday, May 20, 11.0012.30 | Merino | | [[IVOA.GerardLemson][Gerard Lemson ]] | !SimDB/DM |[[%ATTACHURL%/TBD.ppt][ppt]]| | | | [[IVOA.MiguelCervino][Miguel Cervino ]] | First step towards DM for population synthesis |[[%ATTACHURL%/TBD.pdf][ppt]]| | | ---++ Splinter meetings Several additional meeting are foreseen to discuss a few specific issues linked to theory. Please check this page during the meeting... <br/> <!-- * Set ALLOWTOPICRENAME = %MAINWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup -->
This topic: IVOA
Topic revision: r8 - 2010-04-28 - HerveWozniak
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